Sunday, April 30, 2006

Thai cuisine renewed

Jenny and I went to a Thai place today. I had two bad pad thai experiences since my first one (which was good). So as far as I was concerned Thai food did not exist. But I gave it another shot and told myself I would not get pad thai.

I tried some Cashew nut beef and Jenny got Garlic Beef. Both were very very good. They also came with salad, egg roll, and some steamed rice. Top it off w/ a Thai Tea w/ boba and it turned out to be as good or better than my first Thai experience.

So Thai is back on my list and pretty close to the top actually. It is pretty crowded, though, at the top of my list. I'm not what you would call "picky" when it comes to food.

Ok, this is definitely a first for the blog retard that I am. Well it is nice to see everyone contributing and updating us all on their lives. As far as me, I am living in Chicago for a few more months before I start dental school in the fall. I will be starting up at Tufts University in Boston (after just leaving Boston last fall).

But let's be honest. No one cares about me. They want to see the new puppy my sister Mandy (and also my current roommate) just got!! His name is Theodore (a.k.a. Teddy, Puppy that pisses on my rug and whines all night, and Thor) and he is a 9 week old Pug. His favorite hobbies include pooping in his crate and eating the flesh of delicious animals that his Uncle Adam gives him from the table. He is a pure bad ass, so don't f@#* with him!

This is one of his bad ass poses now:

Yeah, he is tough!
Here is a picture of what he does best, sleep on the couch:

Well I trust that you are all sufficiently jealous. Hope everyone is enjoying their spring; although, I guess most of you don't really have a spring where you are... Anyway, take care.

So this might be old news to the computer nerds on here, but I think they are pretty cool. They are called Yahoo!Widgets. Now I have a cool calender and the weather on my desktop at all times! Here is a screenshot of my desktop...

A few cool links...

This page shows the countries of the people who have viewed this blog:

For those of you that didn't catch the Correspondent's Dinner speech last night, check out:

It was pretty hilarious, Georgy Bush is a pretty cool cat.

NICK D IN DA HOOSE......ROU RIZZY....I just finished masturbating so my hand is kind of sticking to the keyboard....anywho...i need to score a digital camera that way i can post pictures of myself doing nasty things....and how do i find out who can view these blogs? well i have nothing cool to say really so i will leave you with a quote from a wise man "He who questions nick...finds death"


Yea, we got 43 of these guys the other night. Who knew there were skrimps in bradenton?

Credit line increase request...

In anticipation of buying a home in the not-too-distant future, I've been trying to improve my credit score.

I opened a credit card with citibank when we moved out here in September. They opened my account with a measly $4000 limit. Each month after my payment cleared, I did a "Credit Line Increase Request".

This usually resulted in an immediate increase of a couple hundred dollars. This past time, however, it showed me a page and asked how much credit I wanted! Not having any idea how much I could get, I asked for $50,000 increase, haha. I should find out in 7-10 days if I got accepted (probably not), or rejected (and how much of an increase I actually get).

Does anyone know any other way to improve your FICO score?


The Simple Life part 1

Greetings everybody! I have never "blogged" before, but I think this a great idea for all of us to keep and touch without having to actually talk to each other. God knows I am the worst with a telephone, especially since it doesn't work in Macclenny. Anyway, I finally got around to taking some pics of what I have been doing for the past 6 months, and this is the first out of a couple posts. First things first...where I live. We'll start with my room...

Very simple and plain, yet comfortable and classy. Yes, that bed is as comfortable as it looks. Now I'll show you guys the house. This is what I spend my weekends'll see why...

We have started to do the landscaping for the summer and so far we have planted from the far right side of the house to the front walkway. We also layed the decorative blocks around the gargens. If you look, you can see more plants in pots going off to the left. We have also removed 6 columns from the front too, 4 from around the bay window (master bedroom) and two from the right wall (side of garage). Our next project for the front is hanging cranberry-colored shutters...I'll post pics when they are up.

Here is the back. Our current project here is a huge deck we started this weekend. My bro is heading-up this project, so I am basically his bitch for this project. And yes, that is an ABOVE-GROUND pool...this is Macclenny baby!

See I told ya! Actually it is pretty nice. They dug a deep-end and left a three foot lip all the way around so you can walk. But a pool is a pool and I am so glad we have gets really hot out here.

Finally, here is a shot of the barn from the back of the house...maybe 100 yards away?

Stay tuned...tomorrow I will post pics of the animals...

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Joining For The Cause

Hey guys,
I'll join up on this blog in the event that Jae changes the name to something more appropriate. This could really be a great way for us to all keep in touch and even post invites to events for those of us that are in the same town. On that note, I just got back from the Heritage (DeSoto) Parade, and guess who was in it... Josh! Way to go man, you're the best bead passer-outer ever! I'm going to see Schilling kick the crap out of the D-Rays in tomorrow's day game, then I'll be back to see if Jae follows through on my request!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Eaton Canyon Hike

Jenny and I hiked through Eaton Canyon today to the waterfall (sans Kelly this time).

The view from the entrance:

Some random snapshots from along the way:

Made it to the waterfall, time for some lunch:

These teenagers were scaling the side of the canyon, the first is zoomed in, the second one shows how high he really is:

What hike is complete without some ducks:

-Jae and Jenny

PS: Here's some movies that we shot, the first one is of my almost slipping and dying (considering I am standing about 150' up on the side of a recent rock-slide), the second one is of the waterfall and samiches.

There I to did it.

Happy Now!?!? Now I can make comments about how people are talking that you might actually be gay and so on and so forth...

I want Cricket.......

Once I get to Tucson, I want to go and rescue Cricket, the cutest (well 2nd cutest, Sady and Macy will always be my favorite Goldens) Golden Retriever pup. She is the 4th one down and adorable. I can only hope she is still available as of July 1st.

Making it famous...

So a photographer from the LA times came to my CS185 class today.

He is shooting an article on one of my classmates (in a class of 3 people), because he never wears shoes. I made my way into some of the pictures so hopefully this is my first step towards becoming famous. Once I become famous, I am going to use my fame to get invited to famous peoples' houses. Once I have gained their confidence, I am going to rob them blind and dole out all of their wealth to anyone that asks. I am starting a first-come-first-serve list of people who want movie stars' money...


PS: Pics to follow once the article runs (don't know when that will be).

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Now quit bugging me

I am posting to a blog for the first time, not that I haven't commented before, but when the site features an innapropriate use of a donkey I don't think it is considered a blog or legal for that matter. I wish I had something profound to say, but it just got hot here in Florida and I don't work well when the thermometer climbs, or for that matter when it drops. I think it is more a general state of laziness rather than a dependence on the weather. The animal planet needs more tigers eating things and less horribly depressing shows about animal cruelty.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

IE 7

So I installed IE 7 Beta 2 today. My initial reaction is... It's about time.

Don't get me wrong, this is a really nice improvement over IE 6. Most of the improvements, however, will seem quite obvious to you (especially if you have used Firefox or Netscape).

The tabbed browsing is a little nicer in IE mainly due to the ability to view a screenshot of all your tabs and quickly switch to the tab you want (I would always just end up clicking all the tabs in Firefox until I find the one I want). I was happy to see IE uses CTRL+T to open new tabs.

Here's a screenshot of this fast switching in action:

This new version of IE provides a lot more screen space for the webpages and next-to-nothing taken up with obtrusive toolbars.

There is also a search box in the top right that can be configured to use whatever search engine you want (although it defaults to MSN search engine, at least they don't FORCE you to use it!)

There are a number of available plug-ins for the browser. I haven't really looked into what is available. I think you can add security features (like parental control software), or entertainment things. I don't think I will be doing any plug-ins since I anticipate it slowing the browser down.

On that note, this version of IE seems faster than IE 6 (this comes as no surprise). But it also seems faster than Firefox and Netscape as well.

If you try it out, let me know what you think.


Multi-touch Display Technology

For my Management of Technology course, I am working on a team that is doing a technology assessment of Multi-touch Display Technology.

If you haven't seen anything amazing today, check out this video.

Once you have seen it, I would like to conduct an unofficial market study. Let me know what you think about this kind of technology.

Post a comment and tell me:
  • Do you see yourself needing to use this kind of technology?
  • Where do you see it being useful?
  • How much do you think it costs?
  • How much do you think it should cost to make it worthwhile?
  • Any other opinions


Follow up on BaitCar

As a follow up to our last post:

BaitCar program for Motorcycles

Now I can sleep safe at night, I think I will install a hidden camera on my bike (when I get one) so I can have visual evidence if it gets stolen. Or maybe I can wire it to give high-voltage [low current ;-)] electrical shocks...

Of course I have a hard time giving any sort of credit to our neighbors up North, but I have to say they hit the nail on the head with this program.



I saw this on Anderson Cooper 360. I think it is a great idea. Basically, they can control the car remotely. They have some hidden videos on this website. My favorite is the one where the cops lock the doors remotely, and then play the theme song to COPS.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Army Girl

I am deadly accurate, and licensed to thrill.

Monday, April 24, 2006


For those of you like me who use Wikipedia for all things academic, you will be happy to see this article:

It compares Wikipedia (a free online encyclopedia whose articles are submitted and moderated by the public) with Encyclopedia Britannica to determine the number of inaccuracies.

If you want the music but not the messenger, visit

This website lets you easily set up radio stations using your email address that you can tune into from any computer.

You specify one artist or song, and it begins predicting songs that you would like. Rate them thumbs up or down as you wish and it will adjust its predictions. The service is absolutely free and they anticipate having commercials (eventually), but right now there are none.

Yahoo Messenger

I feel this is the appropriate forum to declare Yahoo! Messenger to be much much better than AIM.

Why you may ask? Well there are a number of reasons but let me just explain a few:
  1. You say you like listening to music? Well it just so turns out that you can create a customized radio station. You rate artists, songs, albums, genres, to your liking and the station continuously learns your likes and dislikes. There are also standard stations you can tune in to.
  2. Yahoo! Pool, eh? You can open up a game of Yahoo! Pool (or other games such as scrabble), and play in the same IM window. Not only that, but you can send taunts that will play (along with an animation) on your opponents computer.

Try it out and if you don't like it, I will allow you to uninstall it free of charge.

Escape the stranglehold of AOL,



*stretch* ahhh, good to elbow out my own little piece of cyber-space here.

this blog officially competes with