Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cool Egg Trick (Ignore audio)

Not sure how old this vid is, but it shows a pretty cool way to separate out your yolks...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Anyone playing Minecraft?

Due to a lack of new stuff on X360 and COD burnout, I've recently started playing Minecraft and I'm curious if any of you guys are playing it as well.   I avoided it for a long time because I didn't understand the appeal. Random web browsing directed me to the "X's Adventures in Minecraft" youtube series and after a few videos I was pretty interested.  Now that I'm pretty addicted and beating single-player to death I'm thinking about multi-player.  Let me know in the comments.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thoughts on Ryan

What does this largely right-wing audience think of putting Ryan on the ticket?

For me it has taken me off the fence since Ryan seems to be the only cat in town willing to tackle the debt issue head on.

I'm sure Drew will have an interesting take on the matter.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Passing of a great Italian American

My dads father Giovanni "John" DiVincenzo has passed away this weekend. He has been in at home hospice for a couple of months now so this has been a few months coming. He was in peace and it was just his time and to be quite honest necessary so we could all kind of move on and celebrate his life. Just wanted to let you all know since most of you have met him or at least heard the stories during sausage makings. Anyway we will be flying up to Cleveland in two weekends or so. Talk to everybody soon hope all is well.

Nick D.....

PS. If anybody wants me to pick up some memorabilia from Cleveland just let me know :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Making Moves

So for those of you that don't know, here's an update on what has been going on! I have accepted a new position in Charlotte, NC and am in the process of moving. In fact, I'm being loaded up today and will be leaving Jax in the morning! I resigned from CMC July 16th, so I haven't been working for about a month now....which in reality has been driving me crazy, so I'm excited to get back to work. This is a HUGE opportunity for me and I'm very excited about it! One of my professional goals was to make a certain amount of money @ 30 years old, and this job accomplishes that goal! I'm living in a beautiful area of Charlotte called 'Elizabeth,' and the apt complex is Elizabeth Square. I'm in the heart of ACC country, so no excuses not to come visit! Until next time, Bryan

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me