Saturday, July 21, 2012

Trip to NYC

We spent one night in NYC on our recent vaca to CT.

Checked out the status of ground zero...

Visited Wall Street, NYSE, and the bull...

Lady Liberty in the background...

Jen used her fancy phone and I navigated with my iMap...

Got some delicious Korean for dinner, thank you Urban Spoon...

Stayed at The Times off Time Square...

Checked out the Today Show the next morning...

What's on Ceelo's lap?

Good times, good times.


Adam said...

Nice pics Jae!

Jae said...

Thanks, we had fun. NYC is such a fun city to visit. Always so much going on.

Ashley said...

The blog needs a "like" button so I can prove I looked at the pics!

Jae said...

i'll look into it