Monday, February 13, 2012



Andrew said...

I can tell you that I can read this.

Adam said...

I don't understand. Apparently I am QR literate though.

Eric said...

Jae, your lack of a smartphone is putting you way behind the times.

Nick D said...

What is happening here?

Eric said...

If you scan the QR code he posted with a barcode scanner you get the message "someone tell me if you can read this". QR codes are commonly used in ads as links to a product or sale or on business cards as a way to quickly add contact info to your phone.

Jae said...

that's what it has typically been used for but it is generic and has support for encoding thousands of characters in a single image

Nick D said...

Ah yes alas my phone does not have that capability. However, this summer I do plan on taking the next step and getting a smart phone. Have to scope out what Sprint has.