Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wednesday Night

There was talk of hanging out Wednesday night. My uncle is in town and looking to get a poker tourney going. We thought Wednesday night might be a good time to do it. Who is interested?


Nick D said...

I will be free to hang out, but I will pass on poker.

Also, if anybody is interested I am pretty sure I will be running in the Turkey Trot Thursday morning. It is free to race all you have to do is bring some refreshments. Go to or something like that if you are interested. Also, the longest I have ran in the last 6 months has been 2 miles so I don't expect to be killing it out there.

Eric said...

We would also be interested in hanging out and will pass on poker as well. Someone text me Wednesday and let me know what's going on.

Nick, if that was a 5k I might have joined you, but at 5 miles I'm pretty sure I'd struggle to finish at best and collapse and die at worst.

Amanda said...

Well considering I didn't win a single hand playing with my family last night it's probably best that I dont' play either. Definitely up for doing something though - Matt & I will both be staying in town Wednesday night.

Nick D said...

Eric I completely agree with you, chances of me coming away with blisters and pain are very high.

Jae said...

the j's are in on the turkey trot. and disappointed in everyone for wussing out of poker. we've been on a couple 4.5 milers lately so we're getting back into the swing of things.

Andrew said...

My flight does not get in until later Wednesday night, but I am around for the rest of the weekend. So I am sure we will hang out later in the weekend.

Nick D said...

So we should just start the phone tree up a little after dinner or something so we can figure out what the deal is.

Alex said...

Not sure what everyone is thinking for tomorrow night.

Do we want to go out somewhere or hang out at someone's house?

Our house is available if everyone wants to keep things low key.