I switched out templates for the blog in order for the main thread to be wide enough to post Youtube videos at their default width. Let me know if you have any rendering problems with this template.
I'm just kidding. I like the wider format for video posts. I wish there was something more going on in the upper right of the main page though. It is a big white space. With the new blue theme, it would look cool to maybe put a beach shore picture or something behind the text?
We need a new name/motto for the blog. This one much like the template is getting stale.
Grrr, I resist change...
adam it could be worse, i could require your full name. nick, suggestions?
I'm just kidding. I like the wider format for video posts. I wish there was something more going on in the upper right of the main page though. It is a big white space. With the new blue theme, it would look cool to maybe put a beach shore picture or something behind the text?
J you know it is easier to critize than actually come up with a new suggestion, just ask these OWS people.
Ha, like a dummy I thought that I was the only one having trouble seeing the full width of videos. This is like a whole new world!
for amanda
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