Monday, November 07, 2011

Bunch of &$%!# Litterbugs


Adam said...

This guy sounds like an idiot actually. I understand his point but I don't think his examples are very realistic. Yes, a lot of these people are probably wearing clothes and using products from large corporations but that doesn't mean they have to like it or agree with the CEO's of these companies. And that doesn't make them hypocrites either. Just because I have Comcast cable doesn't mean I support them. They are simply the only option available.

Alex said...

Adam, I think the idea that he is trying to make is the support for corporations is from purchasing items that they don't need. I think everything he stated is not a necessity.

I obviously love the video. Nice job, Amanda!

Leighton said...

Technically Adam, from a strictly business POV, you do 'support' Comcast by using them. Maybe not 'philosophically,' but definitely 'financially.' I think you illustrate the guys point perfectly with what you said..."they are simply the only option available." Not true. They are simply the only CABLE option available. You could cancel cable and use Netflix and Hulu if you are so against Comcast, or cancel it all together. The point he is trying to make, and I know you know this, is that these stupid assholes are 'against' the very things they 'need' everyday, because god forbid they actually sacrifice something and try to better themselves, or their circumstances. Instead they are leaving it up to everybody else to solve their problems, because of their in-grained sense of entitlement.

I think one of the funniest things I have seen is when Ben & Jerry went out there to 'support the cause,' all the while selling them ice cream:) Priceless.

Adam said...

I don't want to sound like I am supporting these idiots from the Occupy thing. I just think this guy sounds ridiculous and his point is incredibly over simplified.

Alex said...

Bryan summed it up better than I ever could have. Impressive sir!

Andrew said...

This whole "occupy" thing has started to go down the tubes. In DC they "boycotted" a conservative dinner at the DC Convention Center. This included taking young children and placing them in traffic and using them to barricade doors. Of course a number of protesters were hit by cars when they were running into intersections. And the protesters were shocked when they were cited and not the driver of the car. Currently they claim to have a video showing that the hit and runs were caused by the car but keep pushing the release to "extend the news cycle." In the press world this is called not having anything and hoping that people just believe you and forget about asking for evidence. Best thing about the Convention Center Protest was they were chanting and yelling about how much they hate the Koch brothers, who were the sponsors of the event. Guess what, one of the Koch brothers walked through the crowd and not a single person noticed him except a reporter. These people are so stupid it has become comical.

I understand where Adam is coming from. We all get the point of what he is saying, it is just his methodology is "too cute by half." His logic is opening up doors he does not want. Basically no one could complain about anything without completely abstaining from that which they complain of. If you bitch about the BCS and how it is unfair, his logic would dictate that you should then refuse to watch all college football.

Adam said...

Yeah that crap about the Occupy people getting run over by cars is crazy. I don't see how throwing yourself in front of a vehicle demonstrates anything about corporate greed.