Friday, June 03, 2011

Saturday Evening

Pool party / BBQ at the Sammy's starting at 5. Meet the little one and eat some grub. There will be normal person beer available, byomb (byo-micro brew).


Rory said...

Hopefully I'll make it. As of now I'm out of town.

Nick D said...

It was a good time Jae. Thanks to you and your parents for having us over.

Amanda said...

It was great to see everyone. It had been way too long! So glad we were able to stop by. Thanks for everything Jae & Jen!

Nick - sorry we missed you, had to get home to the pupster. Hope we can hang out soon.

Jae said...

glad we got to see everyone, thanks for making the trek out to nw btown. amanda, matt seems like a great guy... really glad we got to meet him.