Sunday, June 05, 2011

Damn You Autocorrect

This seriously made me laugh so hard I cried. Alex will tell you it doesn't take much to make me laugh hard...but this seriously is hysterical.


Rory said...

Those are hilarious! I was cracking up.

Nick D said...

Ok that was awesome. Ashley seems to get burned by auto correct on facebook somewhat frequently.

Jae said...

the iphone is a dirty dirty object, great post ashley

Amanda said...

I have a headache that just got ten times worse from laughing so hard! Had tears streaming down my face... that was absolutely brilliant.

Ashley K said...

Alex is literally crying while reading them for the SECOND time :)

Ashley K said...

So why does my whole name pop up when I post something?? Like you said, Jae, this blog can get you fired ;)

Nick D said...

I believe if you go to edit your profile you can change what is displayed. That is what I recently did to take my full name away.