Friday, June 17, 2011

[L] Reverse Definition

We live in a great time where someone with a terrible memory like myself can still be productive. Today I was having one of those "on the tip of my tongue" moments trying to remember the word homogeneous. I found this great site where you can do a reverse definition lookup. I put in "everything is in the same type" and the first hit was my good old friend homogeneous. It asked me for feedback if that was what I was looking for (which they use to train their algorithm). I plan on bookmarking this guy since I have been having more and more of these memory problems. Probably due to too much Call of Duty.

1 comment:

Adam said...

That is definitely useful! If only they had one for obscure medical facts. The one lousy thing about having multiple choice tests in school is that you are only trained to recognize the information, not necessarily recall it. Bring back the essay exam!