Sunday, May 08, 2011

Friday the 13th

So this coming up Friday is Irenes Bday (yea Friday the 13th) anyway we plan on going out to Ybor to a restaurant called Columbia than out for a few drinks after. This restaurant is Cuban/Spanish and has got great reviews, entrees generally $15-25. If anybody is interested in coming up and wants to join in let me know. If you can't no worries just wanted to throw it out there.

Be well fellow citizens....

Nick D


Logan said...

Nick, you've never heard of the Columbia before?

Jae said...

i've never heard of it either but jen says she's eaten there and it's good. have a cuban for me. and happy early birthday irene.

Nick D said...

Nope, but apparently it has been around for a while I figured out.

Eric said...

I agree Logan, "a restaurant called Columbia" literally made me laugh out loud. Anyway, I'm going to pull a classic Nick move and say "maybe". We'll be in touch.

Nick D said...

Sounds good Eric I will be making a reservation on Thursday, but there will be wiggle room on the number I make anyway.

Andrew said...

Friday the 13th is also the only official Colgate Day of 2011. So everyone should celebrate for that reason alone.