Tuesday, April 12, 2011

[L] Yet another reason to hate France

I brought this up when this law was first passed. It blows my mind that the French think this is okay. Can you imagine a $200 fine just because of what you're wearing? Maybe if I was wearing a T-Shirt of a woman doing a donkey show while walking through an elementary school. The French make me sick.


Nick D said...

I am at a loss for words on this, thanks for giving me one more reason J.

Jae can you invite Irene to the blog she has asked about it a couple of times.


Jae said...

done, let her know to keep an eye out

Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily disagree with the law. Ill break it down into two arguments.

1) covering the face is used to disguise expression and more importantly it removes recognition of the person in any identifiable way i.e. facial scanners or cameras. Two things we use in our judicial system to account for a person's whereabouts when accused of a crime. This is for the accused person's protection as well as for transparency of evidence in court.

2) they are not targeting muslim women or any specific person other than one that is attempting to commit a crime with a face covering mask, or a person being forced to wear a face covering mask. Which could include things such as robbery, kidnapping, extortion and sex slave trade. All illegal things that are accomplished many times by removing the detainee's vision and moving them as so they can not escape. The french are targeting exploitive actions that can be accomplished through covering the face.

Conclusion) the vast majority of human beings willing to participate in societal actions do not in anyway cover their faces, and the majority of the time a face is covered it is being done so they can accomplish criminal activity.

The French Law happens to overlap with a religious ritual. And the french government doesn't give a fuck about any religion that makes one gender perpetually inferior. Hence why the rule applies to all people not excluding Muslim rituals.

Now I understand it's all about liberty and freedom but if we don't reduce the margins a little the whole will never be productive. Cut crime cut the opportunities for crime to occur in shared places, cut the gender advantages, cut the uneconomic actions and we will prosper.

p.s. i hate the french too, but a little less than Michelle Bachmann

Jae said...

your argument doesn't make any sense. you are saying that people who commit crimes often cover their faces. but it is already illegal to commit a crime. making it illegal to cover their face is no more of a deterrent to committing the crime. this is the same mis-placed logic that wants to dis-arm the general population because guns are used to commit crimes.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Woah slow down big bro, one i'm saying covering your face in public places not just in general. Two my logic is not wrong it maybe different than your opinion but it ain't wrong. Three is this law just like Arizona's immigration law that was/is controversial. This law gives officers (that only follow protocol) to investigate people wearing face masks when before it was at their discretion. This is to catch people on their way to commiting a crime or whilst in the act. Plus it is Europe a tiny cluster of countries, if the people in france don't like the rules in france that much gtfo and find somewhere better fitted to you. People forget you can always just move to a different jurisdiction and find the rules you are looking for.

It may not be a perfect solution but their is no such thing as perfect buster.

Jae said...

sorry didn't mean to imply you were wrong. just that i don't follow your logic. i don't see how you can call this a solution at all. if i am going to commit a crime, i'm going to cover my face. regardless of it is illegal to do so. so this law only harms people who (for whatever law-abiding reason) want to cover their face (read: religious preference).

Andrew said...

I think everyone knows my feelings on the French, keep the food and wine and get rid of the people. The problem with this law is that they use the word "veil" in the law and exempt other coverings. If every face mask was illegal then so be it. By using the word veil it becomes a law directly targeted at Muslims who wear the veils or force their wives to follow that tradition.

Anonymous said...

"The ban on face coverings - which does not explicitly mention Islamic veils, but exempts various other forms" (from the link)

I'm definitely trying to play devils advocate here, i see the whole making something illegal makes it more profitable to those that are going to do the said illegal activity anyways. and the effect is multiplied though the resources that are being dedicated to making it illegal and enforcing the laws, and the resources the criminals used to supply whatever is in question be it an action or product.

but i think that a country like france and countries in europe in general have the lucky ability to deal with a small population in a small geographic jurisdiction. Meaning they can introduce progressive legislation and test the effects and if its unnecessary in theory it can be repealed. and with such a condensed country as france the political atmosphere will dictate what is an excepted public unrest about a law. Hence if the people being affected can get enough money to lobby their cause they can have the law taken to court. Government is just trying to fix something that is unfixable and if it is deemed an unnecessary fix it will likely be battled but the chips fall where they may no one can say what the judicial system will choose. I will just say i think of europe as a big experiment an the U.S. should hold off on restricting its citizens from anything else.