Tuesday, April 26, 2011

[L] Depressing.

You political minds on the blog have an opinion on this?


Adam said...

It is funny how in many ways China, a communist country, is the most capitalist country in the world.

Jae said...

how does the saying go, "america gives captialism a bad name, and china gives communism a good name"

the good growth years of this country are behind us unless we can turn around all of the policies that are making us non-competitive on the global stage. luckily we still have a lot of really bright people and a great innovative spirit that originally made america #1.

Alex said...

Jae is correct, but the government's policies continue to handicap and destroy innovation.

I hear that Boeing was planning on moving their company to South Carolina since they cannot continue to function with the unions in Washington. However, Obama is trying to block this move because it would be unfair to the unions. Certainly seems extremely over reaching.

This president is definitely showing his true colors.

Adam said...

At least he proves to us he was born in the US. Or was he.....

Nick D said...

Even if you think about it on a very simplistic level. China has something like 1.2 billion people compared to our what 400 million. So they have 3 times as many people and in theory if they were equal to us per capital their economy would need to be thrice as large as ours. Obviously they are a developing country so it is only natural they pass in total at some point.

Leighton said...

I pretty much agree with the rest of the you guys...it isn't the people, it is the fact we are being completely hindered by our own government.

Amanda said...

Nick - Matt said the exact same thing... per capita we're untouchable. I didn't think of that before, which makes it less sad, but it's still weird to think about since we've been SO far and beyond everyone else for over 100 years. Strange to think about what else we'll see in our lifetimes.

Andrew said...

I think this has more to do with the fact that sometimes the "America Dream" gets in the way of American Prosperity. Just look at our education system. We give everyone the same opportunities from K-12 while European and Asian countries track students at certain ages. And people wonder our test scores are lower than every other countries'. So in a sense I agree with everyone, but then again I am filled with hate.