Monday, April 25, 2011


Well since Amanda did not finish her draft I think she meant to make it like a adlib for all of us to take a guess. So here it is continuing upon Amanda's previous message...

"I have decided to move to LA and attempt to be a celebrity trainer or be a trainer on biggest loser"....


Amanda said...
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Jae said...

i feel lost, what draft is nick talking about?

sorry to hear you aren't getting anything out of working w/ adults. i think it's a great idea to work with kids though. you'll be making a great impact that's for sure.

w.r.t. the adults, i've had mixed successes with helping coach. when people are open to change, the results are astounding and it is great to work with them. when people are resistent to change or have pre-conceived notions, it is not worth the time and effort to try and help them. the key is realizing which is which as early as possible :).

Nick D said...

Amanda had a draft up for most of the early morning yesterday and it sounded incomplete so I decided to finish the thought.

Well I can certainly understand your frustrations Amanda. If you see a opening at Buffalo Creek in Manatee County and are interested let me know because my sister works there maybe she can put in a good word for you. Other than that all I can say is good luck.

Amanda said...
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Leighton said...

I don't blame you at all. You can't teach old dogs new tricks right? The key is changing the mentality of the young and help shape their values and show the importance of nutrition and health from the beginning.

Andrew said...

Amanda has gone all Michele Obama on us...but seriously that is great news and I am sure you will be a great inspiration to the kiddies.