Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tinkering with expensive electronics, again

For some time my receiver's been taking its sweet time finding a signal from any source, and lately it's been getting worse. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes or more for it to produce a picture. A little internet research revealed this is a common problem with this model and many people have fixed the problem by replacing 5 specific capacitors on the HDMI daughterboard. I was prepared to take the risk.

The dying receiver

The damages



Nick D said...

So we can see that the picture is on, but the true test is how long did it take to find a signal?

Jae said...

nice job eric, probably saved yourself 2-300 bucks? plus you get to dust off the old soldering iron which is always fun :).

Eric said...

It takes about 2 seconds to find a signal now. In case anyone was wondering, I post this stuff to show that sometimes it's not really that hard to significantly extend the life of equipment you've invested in. In this case, google saved me about $395. $5 in capacitors vs a $400 receiver.

Eric said...

haha, good call Jae, you just beat me with that comment.

Nick D said...

Well done sir...well done.

Leighton said...

Nice! Wish I had the electronic smarts like you do. I'm more of a 'mechanical' kind of guy.

Alex said...

I would have likely electrocuted myself if I had tried to fix that.