My response to this is... Fuck you Apple! I was happy living in the only state that has good AT&T coverage. And i wasn't getting tired of being mortally superior to anybody with a Droid or HTC. Now I have to spend the next year listening to everybody say the Iphone 4 for Verizon is better than the AT&T Iphone 4. Erroneous! The point is AT&T had the world by the balls, similar to bill gates or that creepy bastard from the social network. But they bitched out, opting not to pay more money to keep the Iphone exclusively AT&T sold. Which maybe the only reason I would ever use AT&T. Yes the Iphone will still be sold at AT&T stores but it has lost its mystique. Mark Zuckerberg had the idea that exclusivity would draw the masses to facebook. This worked well, he had people giving him terabytes of data that he then used against his facebook minons. Same as apple, you buy an Iphone fueling their R&D then they in return release another phone shortly after you purchased your first. This angers the child inside of you. The testosterone in your body drops when you realize you have been outdated. So to regain your manhood and technological foot up, you must purchase another new Iphone. Which then starts the cycle again.
this Is how AT&T should keep handling there business, but unfortunately for its' stockholders the gravy train is running out of rue. There will soon be nothing left but hardened bacon fat stuck to the empty pot that Was the AT&T empire. But if you act like a pig someone's gonna roast you. So Thumbs up to Verizon, your not the retarded kid picking his nose anymore, you have become a gourmet chef whom just prepared himself a feast. It took a while but that's what happens when your handicapped.
No offense to handicapped people, muslims, facebook users or anyone else that may feel alienated by this post.
I hate the iPhone because it is Apple which makes annoying proprietary garbage products. My iPod lasted a year and then the hard drive died and then the new one they gave me for a small fee died 6 months later.
That being said this iPhone on Verizon thing ticks me off too. Now my fast Verizon network is going to be clogged up by idiots on their iPhones.
wow, there were definite josh-like flavors in that post jared. scary. regarding the iphone on verizon, i think this has been suspected for a while now. as long as it doesn't affect my 2G connectivity i don't really care, in fact it can only help my verizon stock :).
Verizon was strong without the iPhone. Apple was stupid to stay exclusively with AT&T this long.
I switched to Verizon for the network, and I have no need for an iPhone. My Droid works well enough for me.
Me thinks like Adam....
Part of the fun for me on this blog is trying to guess who authored the post before I get to the end. Having read the entire thing, I would have bet it all that it was Josh...until I saw Jared's name. Blew my mind.
On a related note, I have been a very satisfied Verizon subscriber for a long, long time...however, I enjoy my $53/month cell phone bill and will, fingers crossed, resist the urge for a smart phone. I have an iPod touch for all the fun stufff.
i'm in the same boat as you ole. while i do love tech stuff people are always surprised by the fact that i carry such an outdated and simple cellphone. the reality is that being plugged into the technology, i realize how much these companies are over-charging at $100+ per month for a smartphone. it is also the reason i no longer have a $50 monthly cable charge :P.
Haven't been able to bite the bullet on cable yet...but like you, I LOVE technology and will drop the dough when need be, but being locked in to a monthly charge that is so obviously over-inflated...I just can't justify it. The iPod works perfectly for what I use it for since I have WiFi pretty much wherever I go. I even have my work email and personal email on it. And the best thing...I got it for FREE! When this iPod touch finally goes, I'm sure I will simply replace it with another one. Still cheaper.
Before I begin I must dispense with a formality. I am an AT&T employee.
Company code of conduct satisfied.
I hear the spotty network complaint quite a bit, and it is true if you live in New York, LA, or San Francisco you might notice a lag. Unfortunately these are also the meccas of technology bloggers. The iPhone changed everything, before it existed everyone was Jae. AT&T had to deal with a 5000 percent surge in traffic nobody anticipated because it has never happened before. Verizon uses CDMA which will not allow calling while surfing. Also until LTE is fully deployed the CDMA technology will still be in use. AT&T will have LTE mid year combined with our HSPA + network which means equivalent home broadband speeds over air across our entire network.
Jared doesn't speak for me... I've hated the iPhone for quite some time and will never get one. Supporting them at work sucks. What's that? You installed iTunes on your work computer and it erased everything on your phone? Way to go!
I'm surprised no one has mentioned that Verizon was Apple's original target for the exclusive contract and Verizon turned them down. Verizon thought (correctly) that Apple wanted too much control and too much money. Apple then turned to Cingular. In the meantime, Verizon built the largest 3G network and put together what is commonly called the strongest lineup of phones available. AT&T's 3G coverage is limited to metro areas for the most part and as others have said, commonly drops calls. 4G is a moot point because the iPhone 4 is not a 4G phone and 4G isn't priced for prime time and probably won't be for some time.
My contract is up next month and as of right now I'm looking forward to upgrading to a Motorola Droid Bionic in Q2.
In response to some comments about the cost of plan + data, let me just say that you're absolutely right... if you're paying for a single phone plan. On our family plan, my "share" of the plan plus the data charge is less than a standard single line plan without data.
eric, can i be in your family? :)
Can we start a "family" plan with all of us? haha...a "blog" plan?
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