Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Bday Leighton

Not trying to sound big time or anything, but this will be the 3rd different type of electronic media I have used to wish you a Happy Bday. Grant it the only reason I remembered the exact day was because of Facebook, but hey that is not important.

J is there a Birthday App for this blog that could be useful for you non Facebook fools.

Once again Happy Bday Mr. Clean.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


We need to work together like this...

[L] Universal Gripper

The robotic hand of the future

Pretty cool, uses coffee grounds in a latex balloon under vacuum to hold on to things. Click title for full article.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

[L] Fire Urban Meyer?

I was wondering what the Gator fans on this blog thought about this site.

I know it hasn't been a good year, but this site seems extremely ridiculous.

Wango Tango

This is probably the greatest campaign picture ever. Ted is a friend of a supporter of ours. They hunt together. Bad Ass is all I can say.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

ugh... it's half-time and scoreless. it's been a while since we've had one of these seasons. congrats to the noles, it's hard to turn the ball over that much and come out ahead but you pulled it off. also, wtf alex? i'm not used to seeing that kind of scoring come out of au. congrats on the highest scoring regulation game ever in the sec.

anyway, i'm secretly hoping for a shut-out so that we can finally ditch adazio. i'm going to start taking a shot after every score, my guess is i'll be stone-cold sober at the end of the game.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Another Round

Well the great thing about college football is every weekend seems like a crucial weekend. For FSU it is to see if we can beat a inferior opponent after having a huge victory last weekend. Sadly FSU has not won 5 straight games since 2005 (last time we were relevant). For UF it is a chance to bounce back and right that ship. While the offense still seems to be in a funk the Gators still control their own destiny in the SEC. Last but not least well we know what is at stake here for Auburn SEC West crown. While I think each team in the SEC West will have at least one loss this game is big because while Auburn did win they had no business in being in such a close game last weekend.

FSU @ BC - FSU teams of the past 4 yrs would have dropped the ball on this one I don't see that happening now that we have a real coaching staff and better players. Plus BC is not as good as they have been in previous years. Might be a little close at half, but I expect us to keep our streak of 20 pts victories going and extend it to five games. FSU 38-13. Rolling into a huge Thursday night game at NC State....

Miss St @ UF - While State is better then years past I just can't see UF dropping three straight. Then again I ever would have thought a UF offense would be ranked near 100th in the nation. None the less I expect UF to keep there SEC hopes alive with a victory, hey any win is a good win. UF - 23-17

Akansas @ AU - This game figures to be great and I will be honest my pick is purely going off home field advantage and the fact I want Auburn to win haha...I do expect Cam Newton to do is thing and Mallet to melt down again in the 4th Qtr...AU 31-27

Heading to Tally this weekend to take in my second home game of the year...god I love being back in the state of FL...GO NOLES.

Nick to the D...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

[L] Netflix on PS3 goes disk-free

Good news for the PS3 owners out there (me), as Netflix streaming has gone from disk based to an installable app. It's now the only device to offer streaming at 1080i and 5.1 surround.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Vegas Pics

We didn't take too many pics but here's what we have...

Friday, October 08, 2010


I am not now nor have I ever been an active poster, but I am an active monitor of this site. I do occasionally post items as occurences of an interesting nature occur, and I am able to frame them in an interesting manner for consumption. I think the highest price paid for the Internet is that any idiot with a keyboard can write anything under the protection and guise of anonymity. I like that fact. The best part of news articles on the Internet is reading the paranoid, racist, homophobic, ignorant, and downright silly comments that follow. The Internet is the proper place for idiocy, it is inocous. I like freedom of speech, but not when it interferes with private personal ceremonies. In this instance I refer to that walking billboard for moonshine abatement that stages protests outside military funerals to spread their message. Being stupid and crazy is not a crime, but doing so at a time when a father is in the process of burying a son used to warrant a brick to the face and police officers looking the other way. Where did human decency go?

Big time CF Weekend

Well all three of our school's have late night prime time games. This weekend will go along way to help determine what type of team FSU and UF have. Luckily for both of us our "division" in our conference blows so making the conference championship game remains a real possibility even with losses this weekend and to be very honest we both should make it that far. However, losses this weekend will probably drop UF out of the rankings and FSU definitely out. I F'N hate Miami and cannot wait for this game...I

FSU @ Miami: Well this game is huge for obvious reasons. I don't even want to over analyze it and tell you what needs to happen for FSU to win, but the main thing will be forcing JOKEery Harris into throwing those INT's that he so loves to throw. We are two very evenly matched teams who straight up hate each other. For FSU this is our chance to show we are a top 15 team deserving of some accolades. This game will very exciting to watch as our all FSU v U games, I expect this game to come down to the last drive. Both of our defenses have shown great signs of life after getting embarrassed in week 2. FSU leads the nation in sacks and I expect us to SACK Harris. FSU 27 - 24

LSU @ UF: I expect this game to be pretty "boring" to watch by that I mean I expect both defenses to dominate. To be honest I don't know how LSU is undefeated thus far this year and ranked in the top 10. They look inept on offense and have horrible game strategy. UF's offense looked a lot like it did the first couple of weeks and it will probably struggle again against a very good D. Still I expect UF to pull this one out and finally give LSU the loss they have long been deserving this year. UF 17-13

Auburn @ UK: Auburn should continue to roll up the points and stick it to Kentucky. Kentucky will probably score a few points here, but this should be a pretty solid win by Auburn. AU 38-24

Colgate > Princeton 27-13

GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 07, 2010


Well for me it already seems like forever ago and I'm ready to go back. Apart from NY/NY bending me over the craps table and giving it to me hard and dry twice, I had a great time this past weekend in Vegas. I think we squeezed an amazing amount of the touristy things into the few days we had. Too bad the Gators couldn't pull it off because that would have been icing.

Time to start planning another group trip...

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Hey everyone, I've been lacking on the blog because of these 70 hr weeks. Rory can attest to the hours.
Anyway, part of my job is to let as many people as possible know what it is I do.
I help people plan for retirement, plan for children's education, and reduce income tax liability among other things. If you ever have any questions about any of those, please let me know.
That being said, please shoot me an email with your address so I can send you a thank you note.

Most of you have my email address but those that dont, it's my first and last name