Monday, May 31, 2010


I figured that this is the best way to tell everyone this. On Thursday morning I put my 2 weeks notice in at my job. June 11th will be my last day at my current job. Essentially promises were made and they were not kept. Not 100% sure what I am doing next but I will figure it out. Kind of scary to leave a job with no job but I think it was the right thing to do. I will of course let everyone know what my next move is. I hope everyone is enjoying their memorial day.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Another move

Well with Nick posting his news of moving, I figured I would post my latest news. I am now a Vermonter! I'm not moving from Boston for another few weeks but we had to get Allie a car and there was no sense registering it in Mass. Therefore we drove up to VT and got all the cars registered. For those who haven't heard, I am graduating school in a few weeks and starting work with a small group in Middlebury. It is great to be going back to Allie and my alma mater and I am excited to finally make some money! I hope that some of you can make a visit someday!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Moving (literally) On

Well as some of you may know I went on a job interview in Tampa and as of today I officially accepted the job. I tried my hand in sales in a tough market and it was not going great so I started looking elsewhere when this job came out of nowhere. It all happened pretty quick I went on the interview last week and got the job offer yesterday. I will be going to Tallahassee beginning of June for a couple of months of training then after our lease is up July 31st will be moving to Tampa as they just opened a office there. It is a insurance company named Star and Shield specializing in selling insurance to first responders (Fire rescue, Police and EMT). There is some risk involved as this company is still young, but they have been very successful and are ran by people with tons of insurance experience and have some great financial backing from some well respected insurance companies. If things continue as planned it will allow me to be on the ground floor of a company that is looking to be a multi state company in the next year or two with huge growth potential.

Also, good news is Irene already has a job interview at Nieman Marcus, but if that does not workout she will probably just find a 9-5 someplace and really concentrate on being a independent bridal designer. She will also still probably still do some designing and consulting work for the boutique here in Charleston as the dress she designed for them has been selling really well. So if you know anybody who wants a chance at a custom made wedding gown on the cheap don't be afraid to ask ( hint hint Amanda haha no pressure for real)

So there ya go ladies and gentlemen I will be seeing most of you a lot more frequently, which is awesome and will be able to fly out to the North (or West) much easier now. Peace out.

Nick to the D

PS Rory I am working on letting you move up to Tampa and live with me and Irene..stay tuned....


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

[L] Chalk one up for fiscal conservatism

Rand Paul wins KY. primary. Woohoo.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Christina and I would like to get everyone together Memorial Day Weekend for a cookout. The current plan is to have it on Sunday the 30th. Leave a comment if you'll be in town, let me know if you're interested. Homebrew, arcade, lawn games and food for all.

Friday, May 14, 2010

[L] Portal is free!

2007 game of the year and one of my all-time personal favorites, Portal, is available for free until May 24th. If you haven't played this game, you owe it to yourself to download it and check it out. It's quite challenging, funny, and overall not very long, so you won't blow too much time on it. Check out the 'instructional' video after you click the big red 'get Portal now' button.

The cake is a lie.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Italy Pics

We boiled our over 500 pics down to these 152...

Saturday, May 08, 2010

New Game

Hey guys,
So I saw a trailer for Red Dead Redemption. Any thoughts? I am definitely a western fan and it looks cool. Not sure what the multiplayer will be like. Let me know what you think.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Return of Personal Websites? was taking a vote today for the best 'personal landing page' and while going through the comments I noticed was getting the majority of the votes. Curious, I checked it out and I was impressed with what I found. They provide a single page, customizable with a very simple (limited) interface, that essentially aggregates your social networking and media accounts into a central hub for people to access everything 'you'. I think this would be pretty cool to throw onto a business card. Check out my new page at

Back for a bit

Hey all,

I'm back home for a week. Just flew back in from Whidbey Island (where is was like 50) to Tucson (where it was like 90), ugh. Going to try and get some pics posted from Italy in this upcoming week.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Since its been slow....

I thought you guys might be interested in this. This company uses satellite, and infrared imagery to predict hotspots for fishing. They are working to help with the oil spill.

You can see the past pictures and what not as well.