Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Out with the old...

So after years of owning a desktop, I finally got sick of having to deal with that giant mess. Since I am graduating from school in about a month, Allie and I are moving up to VT and I didn't really feel like dealing with moving the desktop. After looking at different options and really thinking about what I use my computer for, I decided I really do nothing more than surf the web. So... I bought a cheapo netbook: Acer Aspire One D250. It is actually really cool and I like it a lot so far. It only has 1GB of RAM but it does have a nice 250GB hard drive. Surprisingly it has almost the exact specs of my desktop.

The shitty part is that it came loaded with Windows 7 Starter. For those not familiar with Starter, it blows ass. It is so stripped down it doesn't even allow you to change your background image! And to update Windows, it is at cheapest $70. Seeing as the netbook only cost $280, that is ridiculous. So I am now officially operating on Linux. It isn't as weird as I thought it was going to be. The only down side is that I can't get Skype to work. Oh well. Anyway, thought some of you computer guys would be interested. Any thoughts on improving Ubuntu, let me know.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Impressive Feet {L}

What's up people?? The blog has been quiet so I figured I would post this amazing accomplishment by this intoxicated gentlemen.

Yo Btown people I will be down for Memorial Day weekend hopefully everybody will be around.

Nick D > Rory

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hand Turkey

Since I am stuck and bored in the Dallas airport I have a few minutes to post. The blog has become pretty political as of late and I would like to offer a warning on hitching your star to the tea party movement. The movement has been hijacked by crazies, not your run of the mill crazies, but tin foil hats, minorities are the enemy crazies. I for one enjoy ethnic food, but I have only myself to blame when Indian food goes bad. If Palin is your banner carrier you have issues. IPhone tried to change palin to palindrome; note palin spelled backwards is alaskan beauty queen with no business in politics. In Alaska sometimes a walrus places in the beauty pageant, so winning is like being the prettiest girl in the burn ward. I was by the four seasons yesterday and both ex-president Bushes were hanging out with the king of Jordan, or so the bartender told me. It explains why there were secret service people locking down the taco diner.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

[L] Tea Party Poll Results

A good read on a recent poll regarding the Tea Party movement. I found it pretty interesting.


I remember Alex says you were coming to town soon. When is that?

Who is Peter Schiff?

Pass along to anyone you know in CT.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Moose is getting a cousin!

Meet Chandler Bing! He's a 5 week old rat terrier that we are tentatively bringing home on April 30th. We anticipate (and if our research is any indication, we should be correct) he'll be like Moose, only not quite as ON and better suited for apartment living. I sure hope he doesn't tear the place up... but something tells me with a face like that he'll probably get away with a lot... the lil' Bingaling!

Happy Birthday Twins!

Hope you both have equally fun and exciting days! :) - Daredevil to Plunge From Outer Space in Supersonic Suit - Daredevil to Plunge From Outer Space in Supersonic Suit

Posted using ShareThis

Thursday, April 08, 2010


Happy Birthday Mini-guinnea!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Not bad for $200 production cost, part 2 coming soon

Modern Warfare: Frozen Crossing - Watch more Game Trailers

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Hydraulics FTW

Happy Easter Everybody

Hope the easter bunny brought you lot's of candy to enjoy!

Friday, April 02, 2010

Another Idiot on Capitol Hill

Just to let y'all know who is making decisions for the US of A. Pay attention at 1:16 into the video.