Monday, November 02, 2009


Tomorrow is a big day in the world of elections. VA, NJ and a congressional special. VA is usually the bellwether state. Most of the public polling numbers show the GOP candidate up by 10-12 points. That is basically what the internal numbers in those races are showing as well. NJ is going to be down to the wire. The internal numbers are showing that while no one likes Corzine, they are not certain Chris Christie is any different. So this will be close. As for the special election in upstate NY, this is completely FUBAR. My firm was doing the TV for the GOP candidate, I say 'was' because she dropped out on Saturday and then on Sunday endorsed...wait for it...the democrat, not the conservative party candidate. Best part was we only found this out because a couple of newspapers called to ask for our opinion, the campaign did not even tell us.
So basically both parties are starting the spin machine. GOP needs a clean sweep to really show they are moving forward. My thinking is that we win VA and the special in upstate, in that the conservative candidate wins, and NJ I think the 3rd party candidate drags us down to a loss, but a close one.


Adam said...

I'm just hoping Mayor Menino "Mumbles" doesn't get re-elected. But seeing as he has been the mayor for the past 16 years, I don't see it happening.

Alex said...

The GOP may get some power back, but Obama's going to f*@% this country up beyond recognition in the next year, so we are screwed.

Plus, we need people way right of the GOP to step in and restore this country to the economic power and stronghold for freedom that it once was.

Can you hear me Ron Paul and fellow Reaganites?

Nick D said...

Yea I heard about this upstate bullshit, not knowing what is really going on it seemed very shady to me. It would be nice to get a few victories and get the party back in the right direction.

Andrew said...

Alex, while I like your idea of having the fiscally conservative come back and fix the GOP the problem is that they are not the ones who we get. We get the crazy social conservatives who are out of touch with 75% of the voting population. So basically they cannot win.

Alex said...

Exactly my point Drew!

Jae said...

it seems the only logical solution is to start a new country and call it nickville... i think there is a constitution somewhere out there on the internet

Nick D said...

Agreed Jae, we had the right idea with that. I had to take the site down because Rory was bitching about his name popping up on the site (typical). It is not my fault he put is own name in the constitution.

Do not worry though I saved all that information and it is safely on my computer.

Andrew said...

Well the exit polls I am hearing about have McDonnell in Virginia up 10points. In NJ it is a 47/47 tie and the third party candidate is pulling nothing. Will be a long night. if you want updates, let me know and I will get them for you.

Nick D said...

Sure hit me up with a update around 10