Saturday, November 28, 2009

Game Day

Well lets start this off with a sorry Alex. I could not watch any of the game, but it sounded like a good one I was pulling for you guys. You guys seemed pretty damn close to winning obviously the 4Q was not something you can be happy about.

Ok well let me give my realistic opinion on the FSU game. If we had Ponder I would like our chances a lot better, but we are starting a freshman QB making his 3rd career start. We are also missing our best OL who got injured two games ago. With those injuries going against that UF defense will be no easy task. We are also fielding a very bad defense that gives up a lot of rushing yards, which against Teblow is never a good thing. So for FSU to win we have to play near perfect on offense ( max 1 turnover) and we have to create a some turnovers ( something like 3). We also need to win the special teams battle or at the very least keep it neutral. Even if we win the turnover battle I just can't see our defense holding UF to below 24. Every FSU game has been fun to watch for better or for worse.

Now since this is a rivarly game you never know what can happen. We have nothing to lose and we do have speed and talent all over the field. Winning this game would not make our season, but it has a way of redeeming a bad season. Beating UF and taking them out of the title hunt would make my week. Beating Tebow in his last game would be great and handing you cocky assholes a loss would be something everybody would enjoy. FSU can win and I fully believe it.

GO NOLES BABY I HAVE FAITH...PS I will not be watching game day because I want to avoid the Tebow dick sucking fest that it will be. I will be posting my thoughts and comments during the game...

Rory today I hate you


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Alex said...

Thanks for the sympathy Nick. Auburn had a chance to win but could not hold on.

Our coaches made Saban look like a little bitch, but, in the end, the talent differential was too great.

It was fun to watch Mark Ingram, the supposed Heisman leader, get just 30 yards against a team with only 3 healthy scholarship linebackers.

Anyway, UF will beat FSU with suffocating defense and a solid run game.

An early prediction that UF will beat bama. If Auburn with a paper thin defense can stuff bama's run game then UF should have an easy time stopping the cousin humpers. Plus, you Gaytor(sp?) fans should thank Auburn for beating up Ingram, I heard he may not be able to play in the SEC title game.

Nick D said...

It would only be fitting if Ingram misses the game. UF has had a really though schedule this year and they need a break...oh yea that's right it's been a joke.

I just ate a turkey sandwich and will be cracking my first beer very soon.

Nick D said...

Beer number 1 is underway. I was thinking about drinking everytime they talked about Ti Ti Timma while UF did not have the ball offensively, but I figured I would be passed out drunk by the end of the game.

I am seriously considering watching the game on mute.

Jae said...

nick you better start w/ shots to numb the pain that is about to begin

Nick D said...

I considered that, but I should be about 3 and half beers deep come game time. I am scared as to what will happen.

Jae said...

how about south carolina taking clemson to the woodshed, f-in up my pickem

Andrew said...

Yea, the Alabama Auburn game was a good game to watch. Much like the TAMU v TU game the night before.
As for today, I guess FSU could win. But I but those odds at the same level as me starting to bang Miranda Kerr or Blake Lively.

Nick D said...

Well don't worry J I guess we both lost that one. I have little shot at catching you anyway in the pick'em. Me and alex are both 25 pts back and I am on my way to go 0-3 on the first three games haha

So your saying we have no shot Drew??? Probably right....

Andrew said...

I am saying that if FSU wins, I am moving to where ever those girls live and will start my pursuit.

Nick D said...

Carpe Pun...sieze the vagina.

Nick D said...

This dang Duke/Wake game better be over in time or they change the game....anticipation is building deep within me.

Andrew said...

CBS is not covering the game? Oh, I guess you are in that region.

Nick D said...

AHHHHHH they got this piece of shit game, let me watch FSU!!!

Jae said...

it's on cbs by us, apparently it's our qb vs your coach... you guys are fucked

Andrew said...

Tebow is crying. God he is gay.

Nick D said...

Haha not sure what that means, but yea Bobby has no idea what is going on.

Nick D said...

He is already crying??? Dear lord...that was my dream for us to win and pan to him crying like a girl on the sideline

Jae said...

the noles are crying tears of joy to not have to play against tebow next year

Nick D said...

Finally got the game, just in time!!!!!!

LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrew said...

Dude, the UF players hsould be crying, those uniforms are terrible. Looks like a blind retard picked them

Nick D said... other words, but yes

Nick D said...

Haha here we go god we can't stop the run. Even Rory could run through our D and we all know he gallops like a girl.

Jae said...

i am hating the uniforms, demps looks like a blue blur on the screen though

Nick D said...

Yea I was not a fan of the FSU uni's either, minus the helmet.

Jae said...

i <3 james

Andrew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nick D said...

THere we go D...a couple of crap throws by Tebow. HELL YEA!!!

Oh man good punt....crap.

Nick D said...

Time for our offense....Nick = Scared.

Andrew said...

Here is what Tebow has written on his face.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

I hate bible thumpers.

Nick D said...

Yumm...eating a bag of Wise cheese puffs and drinking beer.

Jae said...

drew, the fact that you looked that up is exactly what he is going for. i heard google got 90 millions hits for the last scripture he put on his face. you are putting in tebows hands.

Nick D said...

Haha thanks Drew you just made my day....

Jae said...


Andrew said...

Nope, not what he is going for at all. He would have to understand the scripture first. I am almost positive his dad is telling him to put those things on his face.

Jae said...

2 pts here we come

Nick D said...

Defensive motto should be...MAKE THEM THROW

Jae said...

time to get some points off the short field

Andrew said...

Why is Tebow wearing a 3 piece suit?

Is it back to the 1980s?

Nick D said...

Yea a field goal would be very ok with me.

Nick D said...

Shit...good damn play...Well now we need to show we can move the ball

Jae said...

the extra point is more impressive than the td, our kicking game is balls

Nick D said...

Haha our LB all over ran the coaching.

Nick D said...

God I hate Logan and Rory

Andrew said...

Did anybody else notice the guy wearing all that Michigan attire?

Jae said...

nick you could be a commentator on cbs, whore it out for jack links beef jerky

Nick D said...

Somebody check that guys green card.

Nick D said...

Haha they make the bets commercials.

Nick D said...

I am going to piss ass drunk by the time Irene gets home from work.

J how was your turkey day?

Jae said...

i hate commercials, if it wasn't for nicks running commentary i would tape the game and watch it in an hour

Jae said...

it was great, maxin' and relaxin' how about you? did you guys go to btown?

Andrew said...

I wish I could get drunk during the game. Not sure my parents would appreciate me getting hammered during the afternoon, parents already think I am an alcoholic.

Nick D said...


Nick D said...

I hear ya Drew they think the same as me.

Yea I had a quick trip down to btown well worth it food was great. Irene had no days off to use really and she had to work today. I am back in Charleston now.

Alex said...

Nice little discussion you guys have going. Let me see if I can catch up...

1) Tebow is crying because Urban Meyer's wife found out about their affair.

2) Not worried about Tebow leaving since he could never beat us.

3) Bobby Bowden is wondering if the game will be over before his bed time.

4) The Gaytor uniforms remind me of Oregon's uniforms, which says a lot about how bad they are.

Nick D said...

By the way I am all about the Browns drafting this white guy from Stanford.

Jae said...

great, 3 on 1 now, need eric on here

Nick D said...

Haha only one UF fan to a couple of people who are not.

Alex said...

I hate CBS's coverage of games. Vern needs to go to a retirement home already.

Jae said...

that's okay my team will do my talking for me :)

Jae said...

maybe him and bowden can share a room

Alex said...

I think Tebow likes to be tackled.

Andrew said...

THis is purely a question.

Does Tebow ever go under center?

That cannot possibly help his draft status?

Nick D said...

I hate our defense...I mean just make Tebow throw. He throws like a fucking simple.

Jae said...

mister, really? wow

Jae said...

i can count the number of times he has taken a snap under center on one hand

Nick D said...

Seriously I believe he has completed one pass under center his career at UF. I heard some stat a bit ago along those lines.

Jae said...

by the way, this is why i put the chat on the blog before. took it down because nobody was using it. it would have been the perfect medium for this.

Alex said...

Tebow rarely goes under center. I think he plays with the center's balls and forgets about the game.

In reality, the "spread" use shotgun about 90% of the time.

Nick D said...

Why should he though, this wins games. UF runs a constant version of the wildcat with a 250LB guy who is great at his position.

LETS GET A BLOCK NOW BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam said...

Holy crap that is a lot of posts. I can't wait to read this thing tomorrow. Unlike you boys I don't have the patience to watch FSU get destroyed. Getting drunk in the afternoon sounds superb though. We will have to save that for sausage making in December. Enjoy the game.

P.S. Rory is the gayest.

Nick D said...

Haha very true J although this will set a record for most comments on one post that will never be broken I think.

FSU needs something big otherwise this game will be over before half. Our D is playing as good as you can expect with no turnovers.

Andrew said...

Thank you for the information on Tebow.

On beer #1 after 2 Mount Gay (hence forth known as the home of Tebow) and Diet Cokes

Adam said...

Drew, I thought you said you weren't drinking. This will be bad news.

Alex said...

Vern talking about the Victoria Secret fashion show is too funny. I bet he has to set a reminder to pop a Viagra 30 minutes before the broadcast.

Nick D said...

Haha yes...Rory is by far the gayest. I saw his closet the other day and over half of his shirts are pastel in nature.

I am jacked up about sausage making for sure. Talked to my dad Adam and we are good to go, he got a replacement part. Drew I like it I just finished beer 5.

Nick D said...

Drew just don't leave your house at 3 AM like Tiger and expect us to believe you were not drinking.

Andrew said...

Interesting statistic.

Since the start of the 2000 season (10 years), the Gators have played 34 out-of-conference games, and not counting the Florida State series (five away games), the Gators have played exactly one out-of-conference road game (at Miami in 2003…a Florida loss). Even six total away games in 34 out-of-conference games is embarrassing. Especially considering that all of those “away games” took place within the state of Florida.

Jae said...

i just popped my first beer, yay newcastle. lay off tiger, he was trying to catch some black friday deals at walmart.

Andrew said...

And Adam, three drinks is not drinking.

Jae said...

do national championships count as out of conference away games, zow.

Nick D said...

Ahhh come one call pass interferene we need all the help we can get. Damn SEC refs are faving the Gates.

LETS GO D!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If FU scores here we are in deep shit.

Andrew said...

Obviously not because if you all, and lets just call it like I see it, or many of the other top schools played real out of conference schedule, you all might not have won those championships. Good teams need to play other good teams.

Jae said...

maybe if we didn't play in a real conference

Nick D said...

Ok that was disgusting by that bitch sideline reporter.

Good stats Drew

Nick D said...

Tebow just met the terminator...Nigel Bradham.

Alex said...

Some teams go undefeated in that conference and don't get the love UF gets.

Yes, I brought up 2004 and I will never let it go.

Alex said...

Those Pouncey twins are trying their best to get flags thrown.

Andrew said...

I was thinking that would have come up before comment number 87.

Jae said...

you hold onto that tight alex, i want you bringing that up when we're 80

Nick D said...

These SEC guys are unreal....a fist thrown my ass what a bunch of biased shit.

Jae said...

i'll give you that one nick, next they'll be saying "he tried to shive him!"

Alex said...

I will Jae. And you would too. When did UF last go undefeated and not get to play in the title game?

Wait a sec, they have never gone undefeated. But this year could be the first.

Nick D said...

These Pouncey twins are trying their best you are right.

Nick D said...

FUCK we can't cover shit on 3rd down..unreal.

Andrew said...

Ugh. This is awful.

Alex said...

Wow, bad defense!

Nick D said...

Wow that was the worst defense ever

Jae said...

wow what great offense, :). goodbye mr walker.

Andrew said...

So do you all think Urban leaves for his dream job of ND after this season? I mean his gay lover is leaving, so my guess is he leaves and tries another romance with Clausen.

Nick D said...

I am so tired of this crap. Mickey at least knows when he is done and needs to go and I respect him for it. Here is the worst part Bobby "old delirious man" Bowden wanted him back. BOBBY YOU NEED TO GO AND TAKE ALL YOUR BOYS WITH YOU!!!!!

I hope to god somebody has the balls to step up and send him packing

Jae said...

he's already come out publicly and said he is not leaving (whatever that is worth but i believe him)

Nick D said...

No way he leaves. ND is a trap job man, they can't get the recruits like other schools.

Andrew said...

I have only heard that he will stay at UF as long as they will have him. Not a definitive "no."

Jae said...

there was football before bobby bowden?

Alex said...

I doubt Meyer leaves, but I wouldn't be surprised if he used the ND job as leverage to get something out of UF.

Nice hit by Bradham!

Andrew said...

Darrell Mudra

Nick D said...

Not according to all the moron Bobby lovers it sickens me. Face reality he should have left 5 yrs ago and has been dragging us down ever since.

Alex said...

Very true Nick!

Nick D said...

Man FSU is overmatched here in all facets of the game besides Nigel Bradham

Nick D said...

I am going to chug a beer right now.

Ok that is the most athletic TE I have ever seen. Seriously.

Andrew said...

FSU is good at tackling each other.

Alex said...

That's a penalty! I thought Tebow and Meyer taught these boys how to be gentlemen.

Nick D said...

I mean that guy could be the best player on UF offense. I will be honest he has looked better then Tebow.

Jae said...

how many arm tackles can you break in a play... selfish move though at the end. would give him an earful

Andrew said...

Also a "shovel pass" should not count as anything for the QB. I hate seeing teams use that play.

Alex said...

Hernandez should have to sit his ass on the bench for an offensive series for that crap.

Andrew said...

There are thugs, tards, rapists, criminals, and inbred hicks on that field. Not a single gentleman.

Jae said...

a shovel pass still requires recognizing the defense, i think it should count

Nick D said...

This just proves how bad we are and how bad we need changes.

At this point I hope we get drilled.

Andrew said...

A shovel pass is a pitch and should count only for the person running. To consider it a pass and give passing yds and tds to a QB is ridiculous.

Alex said...

The shovel pass requires the QB to throw the ball 3 feet then he gets all the yards the receiver runs for. You might as well give the QB all the run yards on an option pitch.

Jae said...

bowden is getting distracted by all the shiny things during his half-time interview

Andrew said...

I am glad that Alex and I are on the same page for the Shovel Pass.

Nick D said...

Anybody else surprised that Bobby got the 3rd start thing correct???


Bobby stopped caring about FSU when he hired his ass hole fucking son as our coach and not somebody else.

Andrew said...

Nick might kill someone. I hope Irene comes home with something nice for you, hopefully calm you down.

Nick D said...

Haha ok sorry just needed to get that out. Does talking to you guys online allow me to get piss ass drunk by myself (in person)

Alex said...


Andrew said...

First off, there is nothing wrong with drinking alone. That is one of my favorite pass times.

Andrew said...

Second, this is not alone.

Andrew said...

So does anyone find it amusing that the High Life Light actor is white?

Nick D said...

Oh boy Irene is coming home and I am very intoxicated, this should be good.

Alex said...

Just slap her on the ass and ask her if she is in the mood.

Andrew said...

Ha, I am sure you are like that with Ashley. But regardless it is a good idea.

Alex said...

Whoever is writing the UF commercials should be fired!

Nick D said...

Haha oh man that is great Alex.

See games like this take all the fun out of a "rivalry". I mean talking shit is almost useless, almost.

Alex said...

Yes Drew, I have tried that with Ashley. Hopefully, it works out better for Nick.

Jae said...

stop on your route much

Alex said...

This Manual kid is getting thrown to the wolves.

Nick D said...

OK. So last game I was worried that this guy throws lobs and was very worried. PUT SOME MUSTLE INTO IT.

Andrew said...

I think FSU should just say fuck it and go out to try to hurt Tebow.

Nick D said...

Yes, but if he threw the ball with some balls maybe we would have a shot.

Nick D said...

I agree Drew.

Nick D said...

Haha wow this is so bad. Nice throw by Tebow there.

Alex said...

Ok, UF keep you guys healthy so you can destroy the cousin humpers next week.

Alex said...

Damn that was a hit! May have been late but I liked how the UF players mouth guard flew out.

Nick D said...

I can't even be mad anymore. I mean it is so bad there is nothing I can say.

Alex said...

Haha, the non-conference stats are funny considering their schedule this year.

Nick D said...

I hope we lose 50-0 that should make a statement. Also, I hope Tebow wins the Heisman cuz if he does UF will lose the Championship game (after they beat the cousin humpers)

Andrew said...

On a personal note. There was a death in the Fasoli family on Thanksgiving. Henrietta, one of my dad's chickens was killed by a hawk. It just wasn't killed, it was gutted like William Wallace. Very very sad day. Too bad my dad does not believe in revenge, because I wanted to pull out the AR-15 and fuck some shit up. I think we should have a moment of silence.

Nick D said...

You should camp out on the roof and take it out. Drew = Bill Murray. Hawk = Gopher

Jae said...

me and dr fasoli will knock back some high-lifes and pour some out for henrietta

Alex said...

Another nice hit...that was late.

Alex said...

Did Jae get sick of us and leave?

Alex said...

hahaha...I'm an idiot. I missed his last post.

Nick D said...

This is the best I have seen UF look, which means we look VERY bad. Ok Irene is home I am going to hit the bathroom and come out naked and see what happens.

Andrew said...

I love TMZ.

Tiger has yet to be formally interviewed by the Florida Highway Patrol -- that should happen this afternoon. But we're told Tiger had a conversation Friday -- with a non-law enforcement type -- detailing what went down before his Escalade hit a fire hydrant.

We're told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We're told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV -- but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club.

Tiger WoodsWe're told Woods became "distracted," thought the vehicle was stopped, and looked to see what had happened. At that point the SUV hit the fire hydrant and then hit a tree.

We're also told Woods had said during the conversation Friday he had been taking prescription pain medication for an injury, which could explain why he seemed somewhat out of it at the scene.

Andrew said...

I love TMZ.

Tiger has yet to be formally interviewed by the Florida Highway Patrol -- that should happen this afternoon. But we're told Tiger had a conversation Friday -- with a non-law enforcement type -- detailing what went down before his Escalade hit a fire hydrant.

We're told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We're told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV -- but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club.

Tiger WoodsWe're told Woods became "distracted," thought the vehicle was stopped, and looked to see what had happened. At that point the SUV hit the fire hydrant and then hit a tree.

We're also told Woods had said during the conversation Friday he had been taking prescription pain medication for an injury, which could explain why he seemed somewhat out of it at the scene.

Jae said...

no actually i was watching in my gmail and it started another thread on me because there were too many comments, ha

Adam said...

Reading these comments makes me feel like I am actually watching the game. Alex I am drinking some tasty beer that was brewed right down the street from where I got married. It is pretty solid Belgian style stuff. I'll try to save some for the trip down to FL.

Andrew said...

NICK, I am going with an Epic failure for your stunt.

Nick D said...

Alex how is the house coming together.

Jae is out west and it takes longer for the posts to reach him...

Alex said...

Sounds good. I am saving some good beer for Christmas.

Are you going to continue blogging if things go well, Nick?

Jae said...

he can take a two minute break and come back

Nick D said...

Can somebody tell these dumbass announcers that our OL is taught to stay put on offsides and it is NOT A FUCKING GIMMICK PLAY.

Do I agree with the teaching no, but IT IS NOT A GIMMICK.

Alex said...

The house is coming along nicely. The big room is painted and has surround sound installed. The sliding doors have also been replaced with french doors. Lots of painting and arranging left to do.

Andrew said...

Jae you are being generous. I think it is more like "two pump chump" area.

Jae said...

alex be sure to snap some pics of the new doors (now that i have been to your house i have a vested interest in being kept up to date)

Nick D said...

Awesome Tiger post Drew I love it.

Haha missed FG classic.

I will keep at it for a bit, dinner will need to happen soon.

Alex said...

Ouch. Kicking isn't working either,

Nick D said...



Andrew said...

I am going to have to bounce soon for dinner as well.

Nick D said...

HAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH Fuck him that's what he gets asshole

Jae said...

does he still get yards for that play?

Alex said...

I will have to consider that Nick.

Love the Tebow facemask and fumble.

Jae said...

nick, how'd the job interview go?

Andrew said...

Verne Lunndquist is a retard and cannot read. Hebrews 12: 1-2 is not Hebrew Book Chapter 12 verse 12, it is Hebrews Chapter 12 verses 1 and 2. I hate these people.

Nick D said...

Don't think so, not sure.

Alex said...

Verne sucks at life!

Nick D said...

I will hear back on Monday about two of the jobs so hopefully some good things will come. I feel pretty good about the interviews as well.

Alex said...

Are UF's backups going in?

Jae said...

good luck but keep that trip in mind even if you get the call

Alex said...

What trip?

Nick D said...

Will do. Oh man our QB has a lot of learning to do. Even with Ponder in we lose this game. God I can't believe it has came to this with Bowden.

Alex said...

Who was booing the field goal?

Jae said...

there's a super saturday in ft lauderdale that mr unemployed should go to

Nick D said...

HELL props to the man beast Bradham...TERMINATOR

Nick D said...

To bad the rest of the team does not have that dedication or talent. I love how we go for three what pussys.

No way Bowden can come back after this year I can thank UF for that in my opinion.

Andrew said...

Okay BOys, I am out. I need to go cook dinner with the mother. We should do this again, SEC Championship maybe?

Alex said...

The UF o-line is falling down more than the Italian soccer team.

Nick D said...


Nick D said...

Jae, Drew and Alex thanks for participating. It has been fun and what a record number of posts.

All I can say is go Bama!

Alex said...

I will never say such horrible things.

Jae said...

see the caliber of fan you have been supporting alex

Alex said...

I am aware that I lower myself by supporting Nick, but you also have Rory and other UF fans on your side.

Alex said...

I guess this blogging session is over.

Jae said...

should i bring the chat back for next week or are we okay with doing it this way?

Alex said...

I am fine with this.

Alex said...

Well, it was fun. Talk y'all later.

Nick D said...

The chat would probably be better, but for some reason this was very enjoyable. It was great fun guys.

This should be post 200 by the way..whatever you do J I am in.

Amanda > Rory

Andrew said...

Agreed. Either way is fun, like the old days with the AIM chat rooms.

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