Monday, May 11, 2009

New House

Carla and I bought a new house in New Port Richey if you guys ever need a place to stay we got plenty of space.


Jenny said...

Love the Gator room guys - Great job! Congrats on becoming homeowners. Can't wait to visit!

Jae said...

awesome, love the gator room! and who was that stud in the mirror?

congrats on the house guys, welcome to the joys of mortgage interest.

Jae said...

ok, that's crazy, jen and i posted basically identical comments simultaneously from separate computers... great minds i guess

Nick D said...

Awesome house guys looks nice and spacious minus the room that looks like throw up.

Logan said...

Looking good. How about planting a tree out back though!

Andrew said...

The place looks great. I am sure you will enjoy home ownership. Just remember if you are going to default on your mortgage do it soon, you will want to reap the benefits of the Obama administration as much as possible.

Adam said...

Congrats guys! The house looks awesome. Seeing all your places down there really makes me think twice about living up north.