Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fresh Powder

pictures in link

So Today I traveled to Florida Powder coating  company to have my rims sandblasted and powder coated flat black. The Oven runs at 385 degrees and baked these babies for 30 minutes. All together it took 4 hours from start to finish.


Jae said...

hey man, i gotta say i never would have thought to do that. how much did it cost? it looks like there's still a little silver on the front-right rim?

Nick D said...

I had no idea what to expect when reading the title of the post. That is pretty sweet, black Rimz are fly man.

Logan said...

This reminds me of a story Asa told me about the black guys that lived in the same complex he did. Asa drives a black grand cherokee. The black guys always told him he had to "murder that bitch out." I guess Jared is murdering out the truck. (except that silver spot)

Leighton said...

Nicely done. When I first read the post, I was like...'who the hell on this blog would powdercoat their rims?"(Other than me...haha).
The rims look great!

Anonymous said...

The silver spot came after they realized they didn't knock off one of the weights. So they just touched it up and put it back on. Now there is no spot. Also the center caps are now black as well.

Jae my friends dad owns the company and he did it as a favor. Yeah i pretty much want it all black so some more tinting and changing the emblem to black will be the final changes.

Unless bryanole can tell me somewhere i can get my truck tuned.

Jae said...

ole, make it so

Leighton said...

haha...I don't know trucks. I'm strictly imports. Usually with a truck though, you can just get a "chip." Talk to Log about that.