Friday, May 29, 2009

Hulu Desktop

Those of you who like watching tv on your computers ala Hulu will love the new hulu-desktop application. I just installed it on my mac mini and it is f-in awesome. They have added a menu system that works well with the apple remote and still has all the functionality of the website. Now I just need to figure out how to get it launched from front-row...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

So Close...

Sorry Jae, but the arcade will not be ready for you this weekend. The controls just came in today, so here's some pics of everything with my paper mock-up/template, as well as a picture of the original Neo Geo marquee I recently found online (I made the mini-marquees).

I sky dived today

With the stunt coordinator from Lost.  I'll post pics later on, when I feel like taking the time to do that.  We also did some cliff diving today.  Tomorrow is more exploring.  Should be interesting.

How's work everyone?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Authors@Google: Peter Schiff

Warning: Over an hour long, last 20 mins is question and answer...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Point of No Return x 2

Yesterday Christina had 8 inches of hair cut off to be donated to Beautiful Lengths. They make free wigs for adult women with cancer. What do you guys think?

This afternoon I cut a shelf for the control panel into the arcade cabinet, thereby committing to a custom control panel. The controls, marquee, and accessories are currently in the mail. All that's left to do now is build the control panel.


I was not able to move for a good 30 min after this happened, simply amazing. Who knows how far the Cavs will go, but this saved this series for them. Best shot I have ever seen.....

Friday, May 22, 2009

Son of a...

Why can't I figure this link this out... I think it's in the title now.

Best Amazon Review Ever

Logan made me realize that this was probably funny enough to post... read the customer reviews (particularly the first one, that's my favorite)!

Monday, May 18, 2009


I am off to Hawaii on Sunday for 9 days on Oahu. Fishing, Scuba diving, snorkeling, surfing, and hiking are all on the schedule. We are staying on the North Shore. 5 nights here and 4 nights here...for FREE!

I know the J's went to some Hawaiian Island a while back. Which one was that? Anyone else been to Oahu?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fresh Powder

pictures in link

So Today I traveled to Florida Powder coating  company to have my rims sandblasted and powder coated flat black. The Oven runs at 385 degrees and baked these babies for 30 minutes. All together it took 4 hours from start to finish.

Monday, May 11, 2009

New House

Carla and I bought a new house in New Port Richey if you guys ever need a place to stay we got plenty of space.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Best BBQ in NYC

Any of the NYC folks tried this place??

Jae and I want to go, how close is it to your place Nick?

I'm on a boat man

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Control Panel v1

42" x 18", player 3 and 4 at 45 degree angles. Comments, suggestions?

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Friday, May 01, 2009

Party City Ad

Nick, is that you?! Como es chico, andale andale!