Monday, November 24, 2008

Rivalry Week

Well it is finally here Rivarly Week. I do not know about you guys, but I am pretty excited. A chance for teams like Auburn and FSU to knock teams out of the National Championship and with a little luck (Maryland winning) go to a conference championship ourselves. Let me start off with first good luck Alex.

I know UF is playing some awesome football right now, but if we play like we did last Saturday against Maryland we have a shot. FSU has nothing to lose so hopefully we play balls to the wall. We just need to limit turnovers and not let Brandon James get a bunch of returns if those two things happen are chances increase dramatically. Oh yea we are undefeated this year when we actually have our full team playing (aka meaning nobody suspended). It is going to be fun that is for sure hopefully it is a good game. #4 BCS v #20 BCS may the best team win.....hopefully that is the Noles!!! F the GATES.....

PS Good luck this weekend Alex.....


Alex said...

Thanks, Nick! A win this weekend would possibly make me the happiest man alive.

Rory said...

Sorry Nick, but there is no way in Hell that your little Nolies are gonna stand a chance against the Gators. Tebow and Company are playing like a team possessed.

You are right though, FSU has nothing to lose. However UF has everything to lose riding on this game. And while I commend your play and win against Maryland, let us not forget the difference in talent and overall play-style that you will be up against this weekend.

God, I wish I could be there to watch the tears stream down your face when the play clock hits 0:00. Haha. Good luck (not really) and let the smack talk begin!

Logan said...

Jae, can you please add "and grammer." to the message above for Nick to check his spelling? That was awful to read!

Gators > Noles

Andrew said...

You all need to watch Colgate take on Villanova in the first round of the Football Championship Series Playoffs. Villanova leads the series 3-1, but the "HooDoo" is back for Colgate.

Leighton said...

Jae, can you also add "and spelling" to Logan's response since "grammer" is actually spelled "grammAr"?

Point: Leighton and Noles!

Adam said...

Ummm, go Noles! Everyone up north thinks the Gators are a bunch of homosexuals also. Not my opinion, just the word on the street...

Rory said...

Haha, good one Leighton. I might have missed something, but aside from a few run-ons and missed punctuation points I think Nick's little attempt at a diatribe was pretty good...for a Nole.

Does anyone know a spread for the game this weekend or is it not out yet? Or is the differential to great to calculate?

By the way, congratulations to Myron Rolle. Nerd Alert! Haha, seriously thats pretty awesome that he's a Rhodes Scholar.

Nick D said...

You make some valid points for a unemployed bum Rory. However, if FSU can pressure Tebow you never know what can happen. I have no idea how to stop Percy other then to hurt him, so hopefully Nigel Bradham will take care of that.

Good point about Rolle, it is nice to see a FSU football player do something positive off the field. Nice love Rory.

We are going to perform a circumcision on Tebow...

Rory said...

Pressure Tebow? Like how Geno Hayes did last year?

Andrew said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Logan said...


I mean, I was making a point with that.....yeah, that's it.

Nick D said...

Touche sir, insert foot in mouth. No this year we have a certain individual named Everret Brown( See Mel Kipers big board). Also, a cat by the name of Dekoda Watson. It will not mean anything unless they can actually tackle him though.

Maybe if they pretend they are starved helpless children Tebow will stop to lend a hand, maybe that will work.

Drew I commend you for being in a conference with a playoff system...go figure it actually works.

Alex said...

So nice to see a thread going over ten comments.

I think FSU's defense will play well against UF, but it will not be enough. UF should win pretty easily.

Rory should also stop talking trash on here. If I recall correctly, it has not benefited the Gators in the past. ;)

Anyway, I hope everyone will be cheering Auburn to beat Alabama. It won't change the inevitable, but I can dream.

Leighton said...

Current lines according to Bloomberg:

Florida by 15.5

Alabama by 14

Nick D said...

If we play like we did against BC or Wake UF will kill us. If we play like we did any other game it will be much closer then everybody thinks.

Let us also remember we are probably the 2nd maybe 3rd best team UF has played this year.

1) GA who UF killed (props to that).

2) Then Either us or Ole Miss and Ole Miss beat them. Ole Miss is actually a pretty decent team it appears.

3) LSU is a joke they are lucky to only have 4 losses.

I can easily see us getting killed, but I can also see us making a game out of it. It all depends if we decide to beat ourselves with turnovers. Does UF have a really good run D??

Nick D said...

Dedication = not answering Rory's phone calls because he is my mortal enemy this week.

Rory said...

HAHA! You little bitch.

Rory said...

Oh by the way, our run defense is 11th in the nation. Teams average 102 yards per game against our run D with only 6 touchdowns. Not too shabby. Our scoring defense is 3rd in the nation, fyi.

Nick D said...

Haha...not to shabby indeed...that is not a good sign for us. Hopefully this two D tackles miss the game for you.

Rory said...

I hope you get food poisoning from your Mexican Thanksgiving. Arriba!

Alex said...

Haha! Classic!

Nick D said...

My wish is that you choke on the WISHbone this Thanksgiving.

Rory said...