Saturday, November 22, 2008


We had our second kickball game last night.  We won 4-3.  I think the beers we had beforehand had something to do with our win.  

Rory had the game winning kick and got an RBI out of it.  He also did something else NO OTHER GUY in the league has done.  I will let him tell you what it was.  Don't keep the people waiting Rory!


Nick D said...

Congrats guys I heard you got it handed to you the first week. What did he strike out???

Rory what is it??

Rory said...

Yeah yeah, it was a strikeout. You get only three pitches. The first one I had was a bad pitch, then the next two I kicked foul. Hence, a "strikeout". Haha.

Andrew said...

That is not that bad. I figured you were going to say you bunted. Had you done that I would have lost all respect for you.