Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Catch Log

This is something that a buddy and I have been working on for a while now. Can everyone take a couple minutes and register and give us your opinions on it. For those of you that are tech savvy, this is in the alpha stage of development. Let us know everything.


Nick D said...

I thought the site was good Logan. Obviously I am not "Tech Savy" but I was impressed. Will you be charging people eventually?

Logan said...

Come on now ladies check it out.
12 of you visited the site
You looked at an average of 2.65 pages
You spent an average of :30 seconds on it.

Its FREE and will always be free.

Adam said...

It looks really cool but I don't fish so it is hard to spend a lot of time on there. Do you have something where you can look at other peoples' profiles? That way others could share spots and trip details.

Logan said...

Adam, we are going to add community functions later on. Reason being, a lot of our advertising is going to be on fishing forums and we dont want to get banned from those because we are competing.

If you want a login that has been being used, email me Firstnamelastname at

Amanda said...

I registered but my login keeps failing... my username and my email both don't work and I can't check out the rest of the site without logging in :(

What I did see was nice though. Good site Logan.

Logan said...

did you click on forgot password? If you still cant log in that is a HUGE problem and you are the first one that had issues. Try the forgot password and if that doesnt work, email me cause I want to know the problem.

See, this is the type of stuff we need!! Thanks Amanda!