Friday, July 18, 2008

Dark Knight

I saw the new Batman movie last night and I just want to say it was phenomenal. The most impressive character was by far the Joker I will give big time credit to Heath Ledger. It was played way different then Jack did, but it was so much more deranged. Between the Joker and the typical Batman theatrics it was more then I expected. The only downside is when Christian Bale forces the "Batman voice" which he does a few times but other then that you will not be disappointed. I am not sure if him being dead adds to his performance or not but you can not take your eyes off the Joker the entire movie.

PS Saw a preview for a couple of good movies a lot of my boys are coming out with new ones (Pitt, DiCaprio, Reeves and of course a new Terminator staring Christan Bale).

Have a good weekend ladies and Gents.

Nick D....out.....Rory is gay.


Anonymous said...

Gay like a fox.

Nick D said...

I have no idea what you are talking about, but I think you just reincorced my statement.

Anonymous said...

Reincorced?! Are you making up words now instead of just misspelling them?

Leighton said...

Cant wait...I'm going tonight at 9:45!!!

Nick D said...

Damn. That being said you just crossed the line my friend. To be continued....

Anonymous said...

Haha, Nick your illiteracy is the bane of your existence.

Leighton whats up? Haven't conversed with you in ages. In fact, I feel kinda out of the loop with everyone! Speaking of which, Eric, if you see this when, when are you getting hitched?

Nick D said...

Correction...your the bane of my existence.

PS I think Darth Vader just left me message at work. Rory what say you to that?

Anonymous said...

I say, I think you should answer the phone next time.