Thursday, June 12, 2008

UF calling

I get a phone call everyday at noon from the University of Florida. They don't leave a message, but I appreciate the effort to reach me. Apparently once they realize you get a paycheck they want a taste. I will give them money if they have our football team and a heard of puppies send me an autographed photo depicting Tim Tebow single handedly solving the worlds oil crisis.I admit it is a welcome change from messages to Lashonda who apparently enjoys writing bad checks for furniture. New iphone looks cool, I am waiting for it to have flash and be able to microwave last nights pizza. I saw Zohan, good Jewish humor it helps if you know some people from Israel, and enjoy good hummus on everything. I could see myself brushing my teeth with hummus flavored toothpaste.


Leighton said...

Welcome back Josh...great post!

Adam said...

I'm planning on seeing Hulk today and if I build up enough courage I was going to try to stay for Zohan. We'll see what happens. I'm too young to use the "old and confused" excuse.

Eric said...

Josh, you're alive! You get your tux yet?

Leighton said...

I will also be seeing the Hulk tonight...still haven't seen Ironman though.

Josh said...

I am alive, and no I have not picked up my tux. What store are you all getting yours at. There are like 8 in the Tampa area.

Eric said...

Josh, check your gmail or the wedding website ( every once in a while! You can be measured for your tux at any MW Tux or Men's Warehouse around the country, our account is in their system. Call me if you're still confused.

Jae said...

come on josh, get with the program... it's not like you haven't done this twice already.