Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cadbury Creme Eggs

geez, all i ever did with mine was eat them...

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor


Adam said...

That is ridiculous. And in the end, the egg is wasted.

I have some sad news about July 4th weekend too. I don't think I'm going to be able to make it. I have been planning on a trip to VT and that weekend is really the only one that it can happen. I've been planning on it for a few months now and it looks like it has to be on the 4th. Nick, I'll be visiting NYC at some point over the summer for sure but I'm sorry I'm going to miss the rest of the crew. We should all get to hangout for Eric's wedding, so hopefully I can redeem myself. Have fun in the Big Apple and have some drinks for me.

Jae said...

hmmm, a few months eh? and how long have we had july 4th planned? ya i thought so :P

Logan said...

Dang, I wish I had that much time on my hands. I guess I will have to settle for 2nd place in the biggest Grouper tournament in SW Florida. I will post on it later when I get some pictures.

Jae said...

2nd, isn't that first loser? ;), j/k congrats beal.