Seriously though the Maroon News article is basically an attempt by the school to save face. They make plenty of excuses as why the statistics are not 100% accurate. The original article, in the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, asserts that these schools are not having enough students that are attending using PELL Grants. All of this comes about from Sen. Grassley introduced some bill to force wealthy schools to spend more of their endowment on financial aid.
I mean both articles are ridiculous and it makes my head hurt to read them. Colgate likes to show you that students who have parents making more than $200,000 receive financial aid. While the journal bemoans that Harvard is only spending $85 Million on aid for its students.
Lets get our heads out of our asses and start to worry about real issues, not diversity issues at colleges of higher education.
Maybe when the black community starts to actually care about higher education and not hand-outs, we can address issues like this. Now they want free college.
Preach on brother Bryan. If McCain gets elected every private college will probably have to open its doors to these bums. Please all you republicans out there, vote for Mitt if you haven't had a primary yet. I know he's a Mormon, but at least he's not a liberal.
I hate to say it but Mitt is basically done. My source inside the campaign is telling me that most of the senior staff is back in Boston and not planning on heading to many, if any, of the Super Tuesday states, other than Mass of course. His campaign is DOA and now we will have to grin and bear a McCain run at the White House. Looks like I will not be having a fun inaugural day in 2009.
Anyone is better than Hillary though. If she gets elected, I will move to Australia. Nick, you with me?
I will definetly move down there with you, Logan. Hillary will be talking about free health care for animals next and my tiny salary will be gone for good!
Good post, Bryan! I am surprised Obama hasn't demanded the presidency as a part of his reparations payment.
I wish Ron Paul had a chance, but as we all know "capitalism" and "freedom" are looked upon in the same way as Two Girls, One Cup by half of the nation.
I shouldn't even be saying this, but I adore McCain. He's not liberal he's just moderate, which is what I consider myself to be, and is also what I think most people want right now. Dem's can't provide worthy competition, and I think I speak for most non-uber-conservatives when I say an uber-conservative does not look so good after the last 8 years. Forgive me for straying from the norm of this blog, but it's just an opinion...
I'm also someone who might lose her health insurance, because my BCBS runs out once I get separated from payroll (translation: 30 days). If I go 30 days uninsured any preexisting condition (translation: my hypertension and treated CHO) will no longer be covered. In other words, I'm gonna have to shell out some serious $$ that I don't have for Cobra until I find a job that can provide insurance. I'm almost looking at this election through the eyes of a bum :o(
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