(pre race) - Cold & nervous, looking around at the people in the same starting corral as us, I suspect we were too conservative on our estimated start time (read: old & big people).
(immediate post race) - Legs weak but not necessarily tired due to adrenalin. Happy with the finish time, no idea how people do 26.2 without dying. Looking forward to the free beer after a nice long stretch.
(after a free beer and some nachos, read: sitting in one place for a few minutes) - holy shit my legs are sore and weak, my knees kind of twinge as well, hmmm.
(after the 2.5 hour drive home) - ok, i can't move. go ahead and bring me a pillow, i'm sleeping in the car.
(after a hot shower and laying down on the couch) - i feel like i took out a loan from a guy named vinny and didn't pay him back...
(after 3-4 R.I.C.E sessions) - a little better but still painful, i'm going to bed and never running again.
(morning) - forced to hobble like a 90-year old man around the office, but at least i did it.
(evening) - back to a typical post-workout soreness, looking back that half-marathon was pretty fun.
(morning) - i better document this on the blog and start looking up our next race!
Hope maybe we've inspired some of you that have not been working out to get back in that gym, but if not maybe just entertained you with our misery for a few minutes.
Pictures to come...
Wow congrats too the both of you, I am quite impressed. What type of training did you do for this?
It has always baffled me why people want to run long distances, I suppose it is the same reason I go and lift weights 3-4 times a week. I do not think I could even reasonably complete a 5K right now, which is pathetic seeing as how I used to like running. Eh I walk about 2 miles a day, good enough for me.
Congrats on the self torture! I would rather hit myself in the knees with a bat than run that distance.
However, I do need to get back to the gym. I haven't gone consistently in about 2 years. My previous benchpress has dwindled to slightly more strength than is required to lift an Xbox controller, but I have not gained any significant weight. Anyway, I guess I need to get back to to the gym, so I can start my career as the weird, somewhat in-shape, old guy that goes to the gym way to often for his age.
As you guys know...I have never been the 'running' type, but the 'lifting' type. Well, I'm happy to say that I am finally back in the gym full-time and my strength is sky-rocketing so far (now I'm as strong as a 14 year old girl instead of a 10 year old girl). Either way, it is great to be back...I feel fantastic!
Back on friend at work is currently training for a full marathon. This last weekend he went on a 20 mile run that took 2 hours 45 min. Can you imagine running a for that long? I don't even like to drive that long!
On a side note...I also quit all forms of nicotine, and I must say, it has been a peice of cake. I don't know why I never did it before. I have never been this focused give me a few months and I will post pics of my progress!!!!
Geez...I should have just started my own post!
We trained using the following schedule...
Su - Long slow run
M - Off
T - Run
W - Weights
R - Run
F - Weights
S - Shortish run
We started with runs between 3-5 miles and worked up to 6-9 miles.
I can't believe you trained everyday during the weekend I am even more impressed now. Well seeing the dedication it takes, I will pass. Below is my training schedule:
M-Weights (lunch time)
T-Weights (lunch time)
W-Weights (lunch time)
T-Weights (lunch time)
F-Party (spend all my money)
S-Party (spend all my money)
S-Recoup/Sit on my ass/maybe drink
Congrats Bryan I like what I am hearing. Keep it up bud! And alex well, dont make me kick your ass.
Well you saw me in NYC...I had to do something! Since lifting I'm weighing in at about 216.
You know how one of my goals in college was to get you to break the two hundo barrier. Well I am back on that train, just put it in reverse...haha.
You are crazy. It is nice living in the city so you are forced to walk places. Although I moved closer to school, so my walks aren't as intense. I did mount the old pull-up bar the other day. I like to look at it and sometimes I just hang from it. Bryan, congrats on the nicotine independence. I am glad to hear that it wasn't a struggle to stop either. I started pipe smoking recently and I find it quite wonderful. Much safer from a health perspective and very relaxing. Now all I need is a lukewarm glass of weak tea and an old mystery novel and I'll be 85 years old.
For those of you who have never walked somewhere with Adam...he walks about 20 mph. I spent most of my time in Boston chasing him. I think I am the only person who goes on vacation and loses weight. It would be 30 degrees outside and I would be sweating from walking sooo fast!
As a person who does alot of walking around like I do I would have to concur with Leighton. Adam attempts to break the sound barrier when he walks its unreal. I could probably jog more comfortably then attempt a stride for stride walk with Adam.
Hey, you gotta burn calories somehow! I derive most of my speed walking abilities from my massive, strong legs. If only they had a walking competition on American Gladiators.
Hey that's a lot more exercise than most Americans get each day. It's pretty pathetic how lazy our country is actually. Our favorite show is The Biggest Loser. We get to see people get their shit together.
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