Thursday, January 31, 2008

Underprivileged Students Underrepresented at Colgate

Colgate University is home to the oldest weekly newspaper, the Maroon News. By looking at this headline, the title is the headline, their staff is not filled with the brightest stars in the galaxy. I mean are you telling me that low income families are not flocking to send their children to one of the most expensive schools in the country.

Seriously though the Maroon News article is basically an attempt by the school to save face. They make plenty of excuses as why the statistics are not 100% accurate. The original article, in the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, asserts that these schools are not having enough students that are attending using PELL Grants. All of this comes about from Sen. Grassley introduced some bill to force wealthy schools to spend more of their endowment on financial aid.

I mean both articles are ridiculous and it makes my head hurt to read them. Colgate likes to show you that students who have parents making more than $200,000 receive financial aid. While the journal bemoans that Harvard is only spending $85 Million on aid for its students.

Lets get our heads out of our asses and start to worry about real issues, not diversity issues at colleges of higher education.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Kenny v. Spenny

Have any of you seen this fantastic piece of television? For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about. This is a Canadian show about two friends who engage in competitions ranging from who can drink the most beer to who can stay tied to a goat the longest to first one to get a boner loses. Kenny is devious and crafty and usually ends up cheating while Spenny is a moralist who tries to legitimately win these competitions with good old fashioned hard work and determination. I think I enjoy it more because I am convinced this is exactly what it was like when Nick and Rory lived together. Anyway, if you are slipping through the channels, it is worth th 30 minutes.

Friday, January 25, 2008


I saw Cloverfield last night and I was pretty impressed. If you haven't seen it I would recommend it, just be warned that it is filmed entirely from the perspective of a handheld video camera carried by a group of people that are scared shitless. Needless to say it's extremely shaky.  If you have seen it, let me know what you thought.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Stupid Government

So I filed my taxes today online, and I OWE $85. That sucks!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

fresh ink

my new tat... drawn by the one and only, Jennifer Sammy =)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

PF Chang Half-Marathon

Sunday Jen & I ran in the PF Chang Rock'n'Roll Half-Marathon. We made it through in 2:13:28 averaging a little over 10 minute miles for the 13.1 miles. It was definitely a blast and we plan to do another half-marathon sometime in the future with the ultimate goal being completing a full marathon. Of course I can say that now being 2 days removed from the situation... here's a play-by-play of how the day went down:
(pre race) - Cold & nervous, looking around at the people in the same starting corral as us, I suspect we were too conservative on our estimated start time (read: old & big people).

(immediate post race) - Legs weak but not necessarily tired due to adrenalin. Happy with the finish time, no idea how people do 26.2 without dying. Looking forward to the free beer after a nice long stretch.

(after a free beer and some nachos, read: sitting in one place for a few minutes) - holy shit my legs are sore and weak, my knees kind of twinge as well, hmmm.

(after the 2.5 hour drive home) - ok, i can't move. go ahead and bring me a pillow, i'm sleeping in the car.

(after a hot shower and laying down on the couch) - i feel like i took out a loan from a guy named vinny and didn't pay him back...

(after 3-4 R.I.C.E sessions) - a little better but still painful, i'm going to bed and never running again.

(morning) - forced to hobble like a 90-year old man around the office, but at least i did it.

(evening) - back to a typical post-workout soreness, looking back that half-marathon was pretty fun.

(morning) - i better document this on the blog and start looking up our next race!

Hope maybe we've inspired some of you that have not been working out to get back in that gym, but if not maybe just entertained you with our misery for a few minutes.

Pictures to come...

Monday, January 07, 2008

American Gladiators

If you missed the premier last night, they will be on there regularly scheduled time slot tonight as well. It was awesome to say the least, it still has some of the cheeziness that we all grew to love. The male gladiators are man beasts, and in my opinion the best event is Pyriamid. There is something great in seeing this 5'7" 155 pound guy go against a guy named Mayhem who is 6'6" 260 and has some of the best dreads I have ever seen. You could not pay for better TV.

And I found myself pretty attracted to the female gladiators which scares me just a little. For the most part they are pretty hot. Crush is a female gladiator and she is just straight hot, by far my new favorite TV girl. It is also fun to see how many times the Hulkster can say the word brother in a sentence. Last night I believe he used it as a noun, pronoun, verb and was amazing.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

sorry sec, sorry

let me be the first to apologize to the rest of the sec for losing that game. i cheered my hardest and even had my dog in an old gator shirt, but we didn't seem to have the spark needed. as a punishment i have to spend the next 9 months with the taste of defeat stuck in the back of my throat.