Sunday Jen & I ran in the PF Chang Rock'n'Roll Half-Marathon. We made it through in 2:13:28 averaging a little over 10 minute miles for the 13.1 miles. It was definitely a blast and we plan to do another half-marathon sometime in the future with the ultimate goal being completing a full marathon. Of course I can say that now being 2 days removed from the situation... here's a play-by-play of how the day went down:
(pre race) - Cold & nervous, looking around at the people in the same starting corral as us, I suspect we were too conservative on our estimated start time (read: old & big people).
(immediate post race) - Legs weak but not necessarily tired due to adrenalin. Happy with the finish time, no idea how people do 26.2 without dying. Looking forward to the free beer after a nice long stretch.
(after a free beer and some nachos, read: sitting in one place for a few minutes) - holy shit my legs are sore and weak, my knees kind of twinge as well, hmmm.
(after the 2.5 hour drive home) - ok, i can't move. go ahead and bring me a pillow, i'm sleeping in the car.
(after a hot shower and laying down on the couch) - i feel like i took out a loan from a guy named vinny and didn't pay him back...
(after 3-4 R.I.C.E sessions) - a little better but still painful, i'm going to bed and never running again.
(morning) - forced to hobble like a 90-year old man around the office, but at least i did it.
(evening) - back to a typical post-workout soreness, looking back that half-marathon was pretty fun.
(morning) - i better document this on the blog and start looking up our next race!
Hope maybe we've inspired some of you that have not been working out to get back in that gym, but if not maybe just entertained you with our misery for a few minutes.
Pictures to come...