Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Decent BCS article {L}

Not trying to get everybody riled up or in a discussion of who "deserves" a title shot, but this is a decent article. It is funny by limiting the computers that nobody trusts we brough human more elements into the poll, which by all accounts are much much worse. I knew terminator scared a lot of people away from machines and computers, but sheesh.

Also, if I was Nick Saban I would have voted OK State low as a I possibly could without suffering extreme backlash, which he more or less did.

Nick D > Rory (even though he now owns a house...just saying.)


Rory said...

Great article. I think the system is seriously flawed, as I'm sure most of you feel the same way. I still can't fathom why we don't have a playoff system at this point. Sure there would be some arguments about who should get in, but I think in the long run it would aleviate most debates about the championship game.

Nick D said...
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Nick D said...

Rory you have to remember these are "student atheletes" and adding more games could really put their school work in jeopardy...

Andrew said...

If the school cared about the athletes as students they could make it work. D1-AA has a playoff and those kids really have a long shot of getting in the NFL. When Colgate played in the National Championship Game in 2003, half the team was taking a final on the plane down to the game. I can't imagine that you would see Honey Badger taking a final on the way to any game.
But I agree, the system is flawed and something must be done.

Nick D said...

You are correct Drew D-1AA is a perfect example. Honey Badger aint afraid of exams....

Alex said...

BCS is a joke! Nuf said