Wednesday, February 09, 2011

It's a girl!

It's official, we're having a girl! We're very excited and now it's time to agree on a name. The technician said everything looks great and the baby's growth is on schedule. She currently weighs 8 ounces and her foot can fit in a Barbie shoe!


Adam said...

Congrats you two!!! That is fantastic news!

Jae said...

eric-a??? :)

glad to hear _she_ is developing nicely (no more "it"). did you guys guess girl?

picking a name is the worst! talk about a big decision.

Andrew said...

Congratulations you two. This is great news. I must agree with Jae that Erica is a great name.

Nick D said...

Congrats guys that is awesome news!!

Erica is awesome...Nicki is solid as well....

In other baby news how is Jenny/baby doing J?

Jae said...

doing fine, 34.5 wks now

it's all going by so fast!

Leighton said...

Congrats guys!