Wednesday, February 16, 2011

[L] Toomer's Corner poisoned

Most of you may not know anything about Toomer's Corner, but this is a BIG deal!

To put things in context, think of the most storied landmark at your university being destroyed by your biggest rival.

Hopefully, the person responsible will be locked up for a loooong time.

By the way, both Georgia and bama fans have attempted to set fire to the trees in the past.

Pretty sad stuff!


Alex said...

If you are curious about Toomer's Corner, then follow the link.

Jae said...

wow i am speechless, that is wrong on so many levels.

Adam said...

Ouch, that picture at the bottom of the first link is heartbreaking. I'm no hippie but it is sad to see old trees go. Think of all the things they have witnessed in their lives. It is one thing to set fire to a horse's head in the front yard of your rival (ahem, Drew) but killing old trees is lame. I hope they find this guy and hang him from the tree and they can both die together.

Andrew said...

That is pretty terrible. Traditions are nice and make college fun.

Rory said...

Wow, that is disgusting.

I heard the audio of the caller who claimed credit for poisoning the trees. He says he did it because someone put a Cameron Newton jersey on a Bear Bryant statute. What an asshole!

Leighton said...

Sad and pathetic. Because someone put a jersey on a statue? Something that is EASILY undone? The jersey thing is a simple childish prank! This is way too far. I can see some major escalation from this...i.e. Bryant's statue completely DESTROYED.

Nick D said...

Apparently they arrested some guy who claimed to do it. Some 62 yr old guy!! Wow not even a punk college kid.