Monday, February 07, 2011

Group Trip

Ashley and I have been talking about how much fun it would be to take a trip with a big group of friends. So, I figured the blog has been slow and it might be a good time to gauge interests and probe for ideas.

We have discussed cruises, resorts, renting a house in wine country, Vegas, and renting a house/cabin in mountains.

Ashley and I are very open on destinations and scheduling, but we need to plan ahead.

No idea about time tables considering work schedules and babies on the way.

Let me know what y'all think.


Leighton said...

Holly and I have been throwing ideas around as well, so we would definitely be interested. She finally graduates in May before starting her masters in August, so a summer trip would be the most convenient for us. On a related note, we aren't trying to break the bank either considering the cost of her masters the further ahead we can plan, the better for us.

As far as ideas go, we have probably talked about a cruise the most, but we are open to other ideas as well. Hell, I would be fine with road-tripping to the Keys...I just want a vacation.

Nick D said...

Hello folks I am back from my Dallas adventure. Alex that is a great idea and I would definitely be interested. I am too tired to elaborate or give any thoughts so I will leave you with this...

Ice skating while in a car on the highway is not fun....

Andrew said...

I am not sure I will be down for a big trip. I have 3 weddings this summer, including Mandy's that I am taking a bunch of time off for. And since I am working on getting a new job, who knows if I will have any leave time accumulated.

Logan said...

What about something like this?

Logan said...

Or Crystal River?

Logan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex said...

Nice ideas Logan. While those places look cool. They are probably rough on the budget.

Jae said...

staying in the us would be helpful for those of us that have to report all foreign travel

Leighton said...

And for those that don't have a passport...haha

Adam said...

Allie and I would love to see everyone and spend some time together. Unfortunately, we are in the same bind as Drew with weddings over the summer, but I would definitely be interested in trying to make something work! Renting a house in wine country sounds awesome too! House rentals are generally really budget friendly if you have a good size group. Another idea could be renting a cabin on a lake somewhere. Either way, keep me posted on ideas. It has been too long since I have seen everyone.

Adam said...

Speaking of a long time since seeing anyone, is anyone planning on coming to Mandy's wedding?

Logan said...

Alex, check the rates on those houses. Not bad if you split it up.
Jae, report the travel.
BSL, why do you not have a passport? Get on that!

What about this?

Andrew said...

FYI...I will never vacation in Crystal River. That was the district I lived in for 3 months last year. Also, it is near a Nuclear Power plant. And finally, I am going there for a retreat in like 1.5 weeks. Last thing I need is to Vacation in Citrus County.

Alex said...

Jae can't go to Central America and I don't think that is a very safe place to go right now anyway.