Got a question for the board. I am in the market for a new laptop and just wanted to throw this out there to see if there is a certain brand I should not get. I am not looking for anything crazy as I will be using it for mostly basic functions. From my initial research I should be able to find something in the $500-$600 that should take care of my needs. Toshiba seems to be pretty popular and last time I bought a computer (which was a while ago) they did not seem to be around. Are they decent?? Any other thoughts would be appreciated.
Nick D (engaged).
iPad? If you are looking for strictly entertainment purposes, I would consider on of those...but I'm not the computer guy:)
I have an Acer Aspire netbook and I love it. It is basically just for surfing the web and watching videos but it has been great. Plus it is really small and light so it travels well. I got mine for about $200 on amazon.
I think I need a little more functionality than a ipad/netbook can provide. Those devices are very attractive though for the price and convenience.
did your old laptop die or is it just too slow?
if it's the latter i would recommend just buying more ram for it and installing a different operating system. the new os is free so you might as well try that before buying a whole new laptop.
It died on me. This thing was purchased many yrs ago and is heavy and cumbersome with a 17" monitor. Definitely want something newer and lighter.
I've got nothing in terms of suggestions or otherwise valuable input, but I feel compelled to point out your sudden sophistication on the blog... all these big words and correct spelling... engagement looks good on you ;)
I love Ubuntu! I have it running on my netbook and it is really nice. Free and easy is a big plus!
adam just went up a few notches in my book
If you're looking for web browsing, email, word processing and a few odd applications then I second the netbook option. An HP dm1z with the new AMD Fusion APU or an Asus EeePC 1215 go for less than $500 and are capable of processing HD video, complete with HDMI output. Both systems also get about 7 hours of battery life.
If you definitely need a laptop, here's an article for you.
Thanks for the suggestions. Amanda it is probably me just getting lucky. Surely I will resort back to my old form.
looking at eric's article, i have to wonder about the objectivity of the reviewers if they gave apple a 9 out of 10 on value & selection. apple makes some great products don't get me wrong, but you know you are going to pay a premium over the same specs for any other brand.
Hahaha, damnit Jae! I was just sitting down writing a comment about that article and how they gave Apple a 9/10 in value and selection. Thanks for stealing my thunder. Plus, how much selection can you get with a Mac? Don't they have like two notebooks?
I agree Jae...I'm an Apple whore myself...but come on...value? I don't think so. You definitely pay for the Apple brand.
ha, sorry adam. maybe you could have beaten me if you were typing on a full-sized laptop like me and not on a netbook :)
Yea I just started looking at it what a crock.
not that it matters, but that was a typo in the apple section of that article. The value and selection category was out of 15, and apple was tied for second to last...
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