Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Not sure if the other XBOX players on this blog have heard of this game yet...but I just read an article on FoxNews talking about how violent and sexually charged this game is...so naturally it peaked my interest and went to check it out:) Looks awesome...kind of like Gears of War...but even MORE violent! Comes out Feb 22nd.


Andrew said...

That is a pretty awesome game. I might have to purchase it.

Jae said...

i don't play first person shooters...

oh wait, that's all i play

i rule you

Adam said...

Yeah it looks a lot like Gears of War, and therefore it looks awesome! I haven't played my xbox in a while, so maybe this will break me of my inactive streak.

Leighton said...

Adam, will you just go get COD already! You are missing Sunday morning COD time!

Jae said...

sunday morning is good for only two things, church and pwnin' newbs... and i don't see no pews around here

Adam said...

Yeah, I'm waiting for a new game. I got sort of sick of getting destroyed by 12 year olds playing the last COD. I'd bring your stats way down!

Leighton said...

Trust me, when we play together you have nothing to worry about. We are l33t and pwn noobs all day! We will carry you:)