Thursday, February 17, 2011

Axis of Awesome

Well we should all know how simple it can be to have a smash hit on the music charts these days, considering the hottest performers are Lil Wayne Kesha and Katy Perry. Most of their songs are villanelle in style and just repeat the same couple specific lines over and over and over. This repetition is filled with a formulaic verse usually befitting of the song but sometimes just as random as the way these puppets with voices got to be famous. This is a short video of some UK bloaks that have pointed out the Four Chord Dillema with music. Enjoy


Eric said...

Hooray for year old videos! This is actually pretty funny, though.

Eric said...

In case anyone was wondering (I had to look it up)

vil·la·nelle noun \ˌvi-lə-ˈnel\
: a chiefly French verse form running on two rhymes and consisting typically of five tercets and a quatrain in which the first and third lines of the opening tercet recur alternately at the end of the other tercets and together as the last two lines of the quatrain.

Amanda said...

I know less now than before...