Monday, February 28, 2011

3D TV Smut {L}

Some very intriguing thoughts about this, which I will not discuss here. Either way when us sexual prudes in America finally get access to this count me in as somebody who want's to see it. I will leave you all with one thought shots may never be the same.

Nick --------D


Alex said...

Sex sells, so this will probably be a big money maker for the cable companies that offer it.

Andrew said...

only Nick would find that

Amanda said...

Did you do what I think you did to your "Nick D" sign off, or is the topic at hand making me a perv?

Nick D said...

I did that on purpose, but I still think your a perve for noticing :)

Leighton said...

And I just bought a 55' 3d-ready TV...coincidence? I think not:)

I saw this article yesterday and personally I find it hilarious. Like Alex sells baby!

Jae said...

just like porn was responsible for the growth of the internet, so goes 3dtv

Nick D said...
