Sunday, November 11, 2012

Plans for X-Mas break

Let me know if you are interested in taking part in a group trip/activity this X-Mas break.

I'll put together a group email of interested parties so we can plan.


Rory said...

I think I'm just planning on sticking around Bradenton with the family and all here. If people end up coming here it would be nice getting together with everyone!

Eric said...

We will also be handcuffed to the bay area through the holidays for many family events, so there are no trips in our future. Like Rory, I also hope we can all get together at some point.

PS to the Bradenton guys: it's been radio silence over here for so long, I'm not even sure if my phone is working! What gives?

Nick D said...

I will be in Texas for Thanksgiving and will be spending Xmas in Bradenton. Eric and Rory I was thinking about heading over to your neck of the woods on Saturday afternoon. Irene is out of town and it could give me something to do. Let me know if you have plans yet or might be around.

Adam said...

I could really use a trip to Bradenton. Unfortunately we are doing Christmas in NJ this year. And we are hosting Thanksgiving in VT this year. Our first time! Hopefully things will go smoothly. Anyway, if you guys get together, take some pictures so I can at least pretend like I was there.

Amanda said...

We'll be staying here for Thanksgiving and are going to Sint Maarten for Christmas (hooray for timeshares!). Wish we could see everyone before the new year! Safe & happy holidays to all :)

Logan said...

We'll be in town for Christmas.