Thursday, September 20, 2012


rules of the road

1) every time you drive like a d-bag because you are reading/writing a text, God drowns a puppy

2) if i honk at you about 1) and you flick me off, you have cemented your d-bag status

3) when the light turns green, it means go.  it doesn't mean slowly roll forward while finishing text, then go

4) if i miss a green light because of 3) you better as hell hope i don't catch up to you at the next red light

5) if you swerve out of your lane and i get up along side you and see you continuing to shove your nose in your phone, i am within my moral rights to beat you to within an inch of your life with a DMV handbook



Adam said...

Haha, that is the angry Jae I know! I hate when you are driving behind someone and they start driving really slow and swerving around because they are texting. Luckily I have a 2 mile drive to work!

Leighton said...

I love this post. I wish I had a huge beater car that I could just crash into people when I see them on their phone, and have no consequences. Perhaps the DC Snipers beat us to the punch?

Too soon? Don't shoot people kids.

Nick D said...

Indeed. I remember back in the day J used to roll with a decent amount of road rage, all of the above complaints are justified though.

Jae said...

almost got to see a lady run full-bore into the back of a parked city bus this morning. unfortunately she slammed on the brakes at the last second. later on i got up next to her and she was still fucking texting. i honked at her and stared her down. she put it away for the rest of the time i was next to her.