I don't have any spare cycles anymore to post to the blog regularly but Jen has some good videos of Braden that I wanted to post as long as it was easy (which I imagine it has to be).
Just curious, what's the tally as far as iPhone users vs Android users for those of you who still check the blog...
Android for me. There's a Blogger app in the android market (and likely the app store) but I don't think that'll help you. I don't think you can post videos to the blog directly at all - at least you can't from the blogger page for creating posts. All the videos we've posted have been embedded from youtube, vimeo, etc. I think the more appropriate question is can you upload videos to youtube from an iPhone, and the answer to that is yes.
As for the slow death of the blog - it bums me out. I don't think I was ever really a heavy poster, but I've always read it daily. Maybe the posts have slowed because of this very topic - smartphones. Now that we're all more connected to text/email/facebook the usefulness of the blog might be decreasing.
i know for me it hasn't been smartphones or being more connected. if anything, i think i am more disconnected. i just haven't had the time to spend on making posts or even checking for updates.
can you upload videos directly to facebook from an iphone? maybe the answer is i finally sign up for facebook *chills down spine* in order to keep tabs...i mean, keep up to date on what's going on
Long live Android! I have uploaded lots of videos from my phone to youtube. I was taking videos of my new house with my camera but it was such a pain to get them on to youtube. I found it infinitely easier to just record on my phone and upload them right to youtube.
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