Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Just wanted to thank everybody who made it out to our wedding. Me and Irene had an great time and we appreciate everybody who took their time and money to get there. Sorry we could not chat more, but those of you have been married know how crazy the weekend is. Thanks for helping us having a great night. Hopefully we will be seeing all of you soon.

Nick D = Locked Down

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

DEA major fuck-up

An apology *so* doesn't make this right


Got this in my inbox today... I don't even recognize this game.

The blog is dead, long live the blog

Does anyone know how to post videos to Blogger from an iPhone?

I don't have any spare cycles anymore to post to the blog regularly but Jen has some good videos of Braden that I wanted to post as long as it was easy (which I imagine it has to be).

Just curious, what's the tally as far as iPhone users vs Android users for those of you who still check the blog...