Wednesday, March 28, 2012


So is he pretty much a walking machine these days?? If so be sure to baby proof that liquor cabnet that Jae keeps fully stocked, don't want him getting his hands on anything he shouldn't..Focker!

Monday, March 26, 2012


Sanka you ded ma'aan??

"Yea ma'ann the blog is ded"

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tourney Time

Well it is that time of the year again where we all try and guess who the heck is going to win some basketball games. I created a free group on ESPN so we can compete against each other in a friendly manner. This year I am actually trying to contain my excitement after FSU won the ACC Championship for the first time ever and was awarded a #3 seed. This should be a crazy tournament this year, filled with lots of upsets. Time to go dancing.

Site: ESPN Tournament Challenge
Group: Pick'em and Weep
Password: powers

Go Noles!!!!

Friday, March 02, 2012

It's Official!

No, Allie and I are not having a baby, but we did buy a house! It is right in downtown Middlebury, very close to the college and very close to my office. It is a major fixer-upper so we are not moving in for a few months. We are completely gutting the house. New plumbing, new electric, new siding, new windows, new floor plan. I am going to walk through the house with a video camera tomorrow and try to get it online. Anyway, it is exciting stuff! And once it is done, there will be plenty of room for visitors!