Monday, February 28, 2011

3D TV Smut {L}

Some very intriguing thoughts about this, which I will not discuss here. Either way when us sexual prudes in America finally get access to this count me in as somebody who want's to see it. I will leave you all with one thought shots may never be the same.

Nick --------D

[L] The end of an era

Completed the transaction this morning...

Got in one last ride to bring it into work in freezing cold weather.

I better start saving my pennies now for my Harley when I turn 50

Saturday, February 26, 2011

[L] - For the COD players

MW3 teaser site, seems to be counting down to a premier at the Game Developers Conference.

New Car Vid

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gray-Hoverman antenna

Hoverman antenna

We're well on our way to cutting cable service. I've recently ordered parts to build a HTPC and the plan is to use it for torrent downloads, netflix, hulu, etc. While waiting for the parts to come, I decided to look into what I could get over the air when we want to watch a live event, have the itch to channel surf, or just need some background noise. I tested an antenna that I already owned (Terk HDTVa) and was disappointed that I got 14 channels, some of them weak, and 3 of the 4 major networks missing. I did a little research on the internet and found that people had great results with this design. A trip to the hardware store and about thirty minutes later I ended up with this. I tested this as pictured, leaning on the dresser, no amplifier and got 30 channels! I plan on adding the amplifer that came with the Terk and installing it in the attic, expecting to get a few more channels.

gmail getting slow

is it just me or is gmail getting slower?

i remember a time when i could send an email to my gmail account and it would show up in my inbox by the time i switched tabs to look for it.

both yesterday and today i did the same thing but it has taken upwards of 5-10 minutes to show up in my inbox.

anyone else seeing this problem or having less of an issue with a different email service?

maybe i'm being petty but 10 minutes feels like eternity when i'm sitting here constantly clicking the refresh button waiting for my password reminder...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Whip

We've been car shopping for about 6 months now (car shopping = Hell) and we finally came across the perfect match for us.

It's an '08 Honda Pilot in about the exact same color as Jen's Civic (strange coincidence since color was not a constraint of ours).

Pics/vids to follow when I get a chance to take em'.

Now it's time to sell the bike so we can fit both cars in the garage. Know anyone lookin' for a bike?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Site

I added another link under the "Good Sites" section to a new page we made on shutterfly where we will be posting short videos and pics related to the new arrival.

This is mainly for the grandparents but if anyone wants the password to the page let me know.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Grammy's Best New Artist

You gotta love it when a talented musician and singer like Esperanza Spalding wins out over publicity stunts like Justin Beiber. This is a short video showcasing her talent.

Axis of Awesome

Well we should all know how simple it can be to have a smash hit on the music charts these days, considering the hottest performers are Lil Wayne Kesha and Katy Perry. Most of their songs are villanelle in style and just repeat the same couple specific lines over and over and over. This repetition is filled with a formulaic verse usually befitting of the song but sometimes just as random as the way these puppets with voices got to be famous. This is a short video of some UK bloaks that have pointed out the Four Chord Dillema with music. Enjoy

[L] Watson dominates "Jeopardy!"

Did anyone else watch this the past 3 nights? Overall it was pretty impressive. Watson completely dominated the two best Jeopardy contestants in history, finishing with a two game total of over $53,000 more than Ken Jennings. There were some odd moments where Watson came up with some completely nonsensical answers including Tuesday night's Final Jeopardy where it answered "Toronto" to a question that started "What US city...". This huge step in language AI could develop into some truly great tech or it could mark the rise of our computer overlords...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

[L] Toomer's Corner poisoned

Most of you may not know anything about Toomer's Corner, but this is a BIG deal!

To put things in context, think of the most storied landmark at your university being destroyed by your biggest rival.

Hopefully, the person responsible will be locked up for a loooong time.

By the way, both Georgia and bama fans have attempted to set fire to the trees in the past.

Pretty sad stuff!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Computer Question

Got a question for the board. I am in the market for a new laptop and just wanted to throw this out there to see if there is a certain brand I should not get. I am not looking for anything crazy as I will be using it for mostly basic functions. From my initial research I should be able to find something in the $500-$600 that should take care of my needs. Toshiba seems to be pretty popular and last time I bought a computer (which was a while ago) they did not seem to be around. Are they decent?? Any other thoughts would be appreciated.


Nick D (engaged).

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Possible Wine Country Trip

So while Alex was playing hours of COD with most of you other blog people...I was looking into dates to possibly go to CA. I checked it against both the Auburn and Florida football schedules. Which dates (could be made shorter in length for sure) would be preferred?

Sept 24-Oct 1 or 2
Oct 1-Oct 8 or 9?

Florida plays at KY Sept 24, Alabama at FL Oct 1, and at LSU Oct 8
Auburn plays Florida Atlantic at Auburn Sept 24, at S. Carolina Oct 1, and at Arkansas Oct 8.

Thoughts? I've got some e-mails out to VRBO people regarding house rentals. Again, all preliminary, may not work out at all. But what was I supposed to do while Alex played COD all day??



Rooney's goal against Manchester City 12/02/2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Big Announcement

Just wanted to let everybody know that me and Irene are officially engaged. Not much else to say other then that. Love you guys and gals.

Nick D

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

It's a girl!

It's official, we're having a girl! We're very excited and now it's time to agree on a name. The technician said everything looks great and the baby's growth is on schedule. She currently weighs 8 ounces and her foot can fit in a Barbie shoe!

Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Not sure if the other XBOX players on this blog have heard of this game yet...but I just read an article on FoxNews talking about how violent and sexually charged this game naturally it peaked my interest and went to check it out:) Looks awesome...kind of like Gears of War...but even MORE violent! Comes out Feb 22nd.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Group Trip

Ashley and I have been talking about how much fun it would be to take a trip with a big group of friends. So, I figured the blog has been slow and it might be a good time to gauge interests and probe for ideas.

We have discussed cruises, resorts, renting a house in wine country, Vegas, and renting a house/cabin in mountains.

Ashley and I are very open on destinations and scheduling, but we need to plan ahead.

No idea about time tables considering work schedules and babies on the way.

Let me know what y'all think.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Super Bowl

Just want to brag to everybody that I will be heading to the apparently frozen tundra of Dallas for the big game. This weekend should be full of the typical debauchery and total lack of sleep that the other SB have provided, with a lunch with Irene's dad squeezed in. It is pretty sad that I am more excited to see the inside of this stadium than anything else. Let's hope the game is good and everybody has a nice Sunday relaxing on your couch pigging out. Have a good weekend everybody!

Nick in the big D