As you all know, I just recently got texting a few months back when Verizon thrust them upon me when we went to upgrade the minutes on our plan.
You are probably not surprised to hear that they have grown on me and I find myself using them more and more. Unfortunately, I have hit the 1990s technological limit when it comes to group-texting. My phone simply falls well short in this regard.
So I would like to upgrade my phone, but I can't bring myself to shell out even more money every month to Verizon whose monthly bills are starting to add up to a small car payment (not really but I'm cheap). Plus, since I can't take my phone into work with me I have a hard time justifying the cost.
Republic Wireless a MVNO carrier riding on Sprint's network. They offer a slightly-subsidized Motorola MotoX for $299 and no-contract plans starting at $5/mo and
topping out at $40/mo. They are a little different in that their phone uses WiFi first before using the cell network. This keeps their data usage down on the rented Sprint network and allows them to offer cheaper plans.
I ordered my phone and signed up for the $10/mo plan which gets me Unlimited Talk/Text on Cell but no data (keep in mind everything is available when you're on WiFi). I'm treating this mentally as an upgrade to my flip phone that adds group texting for 20 bucks
less per month.
If this fancy phone stuff continues to grow on me I can upgrade to unlimited 3G for $25 or unlimited 4G (throttled after 5GB) for $40.
Sprint's coverage isn't stellar, but I'm banking on having WiFi most places that I stay.
I will post an update once I get my phone and have some usage under my belt. I have 30 days to get my money back if I end up not liking it.
What is everyone else using for cellphone carriers?