Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Uncle Nick

Well folks I am pleased to finally be able to announce that Gina and Danny will be having a baby this year. It has been challenging not slipping up and saying something since we have known for a while, but you know how it goes. Anyways here is to hoping the next 6-7 months go smoothly and we have a healthy addition to our family. I already told Danny it might be weird when he says yea Nick is watching Nick, but told him he would get used to it :)

Jae it was funny because your mom asked as she was leaving the Xmas Eve Party if she leaves now will she miss any news we might be breaking. Surely she was thinking of Irene and I, but I was like this woman has like a 6th sense or something because we literally found out the day before haha...We all got a good kick out of that.

I have to say this because I don't want to incur any "wrath of Gina", but if you feel the impulse to post a congrats on facebook please wait until you noticed my sister posted something about it. Just don't want to trump her.

Baby Anderson > Rory....via having a blood line to Nick.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Great song, really funny

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Thrift Shop - feat. Wanz

This song quickly jumped to #1 on Spotify's top US tracks, so I gave it a listen.  Didn't know what it was b/c I listen to alternative radio.  Check it out, it's really damn funny.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

just ran a mile in 7:48

that turns out to be about 7.7 miles per hour, which according to this link means i couldn't even outrun a mouse...  sad

on the plus this is only 18 seconds off my fastest mile time when i was 18