Wednesday, March 30, 2011

60 mins

just got around to watching the 60 minutes episode on the new tax havens.

it's remarkably frustrating to listen to leslie stahl in the same breath say that the us has the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world and blame cisco's ceo for moving profits overseas to lower tax-rate countries like ireland and switzerland.

the houston dem that was blaming companies in his district for having shell offices in switzerland is infuriating. he can't see that the end-game of his attempts are not lucrative companies paying a large percentage of their profits to the government. the end-game is lucrative companies moving out of the country for good.

drew, i want you to find repr. lloyd doggett and pass along that he is an idiot. thanks.

edit: my point exactly

Monday, March 28, 2011


Blue Steel:

Friday, March 25, 2011

First Week With Tunderbolt

Last week I upgraded phones and got an HTC Thunderbolt on launch day. Everything has been great except for battery life. After some playing around trying to figure it out I found that simply being connected to the 4G network killed the battery (100% to 0%) in about 5 hours. Of course there is no official way to turn off 4G service, so I had to turn to the internet for answers. As you can see in the screenshot, I've created a shortcut that allows me to toggle between 3G and 4G on demand. This completely solved the problem, and I'm still able to connect to the 4G network when I need the speed (for those that care, currently getting 17Mbps down). If anyone is up for a phone upgrade, I would highly reccommend this phone provided you perform this little hack.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chavez Quote {L}

Nothing really needs to be said, but I can't believe these words were actually said in a serious fashion. Wonder if those celebrity morons who visit this guy harbor the same belief. I can't believe this guy "leads" a nation and has other countries who support him, kind of scary.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Meet Braden

Braden Alexander Sammy born 3/21/11 @ 6:35 pm

7 lb 8.4 oz, 20"

Mom and baby are recuperating after a long day and a half.

Uploading pics/vids from the hospital is proving to be a royal pain, so any more updates will be sparse until we get home on Thursday evening.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sweet 16....

Congrats to both FSU and UF for advancing to the sweet 16. For UF this is not something new (well as of the last 3-4 yrs yes), but obviously UF has had recent basketball success. For FSU though this is our first trip since 1993 and it feels great. UF seemingly has a good draw to the Final Four, but still has got to beat Jimmer in the next round. FSU has to beat a extremely hot VCU team on Friday to make it to the elite 8...good luck to our teams.

PS F the Big East

Nick D

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Reese Wannabe

Proof positive that Ava will put up with just about anything.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Any day now...

Thanks for the shout out, Jared. 10 days and counting (and I'm hoping it will be sooner than later!) Maybe even a St. Patty's baby :)

For comparison, here's a pic of baby Jae...

Hope you all enjoy a cold, green beer for me tomorrow!

The babies are coming!

So i know Jae and Jenny as well as Eric and Christina are in the process of growing babies (Congratulations to both couples). And I just realized how crazy it is that I'm about to be an uncle! So first, I would like to acknowledge Jennifer **last named remove** for being an awesome sister-in-law as well as wife to my brother, and soon to be exceptional mother to my first nephew. I can't say too many things about Jae that I know for sure, but I can say I have enjoyed and appreciated him being my brother and displaying for me how to be a good citizen, man, and husband. So J and J, I love you guys and hope your son learns as much from you two as I have.

Best wishes,
Jared **last name removed**

Sunday, March 13, 2011

NCAA Tournament Challenge {L}

Hey guys I created a bracket pool on ESPN for everybody to submit their picks. No money just pure respect....Except with you Rory we will have a challenge within the challenge.

Go Noles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (assuming they make it because their name has not been shown yet)

Nick to the D

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Expect the COD Guys to Practice These

Funny Jumping Dog

We get a kick out of this guy whenever we go by on our walks...

Fanasty Baseball

If you feel like joining in the age old tradition of fantasy baseball feel free to join up. Looking to do it for money this year to keep it a little interesting as sometimes baseball season can drag on, nothing major something like $2o. Let's keep the original fantasy sport rolling along.

Password : tribe

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

What Pi Sounds Like

I thought this was pretty cool.